first kill

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She had spent the rest of the day, that wasn't spent in classes, stalking senpai. Mono had to hold her down at lunch and force her to eat. She had resisted at first, until he had reminded her of what would happen if she didn't. They had discovered that her hunger attacks only came about when she went too long between meals. she could go breakfast to lunch just fine, but breakfast to dinner caused a hunger attack to occur. They had discovered that fact after they had skipped lunch, resulting in a hunger attack that caused her to devour a cat. She hadn't felt anything about killing the poor thing besides relief from the pain. It was evening now, just after dinner. She wondered what her mother was up to.

Ryouba was very happy with herself. Currently she was riding her husband cowgirl style. She had decided she wanted another child. She moaned as her husbands cock began to throb inside her. He groaned and released. She slammed herself down and screamed as she came. They had been going at this for a few hours now. Her husband had released three loads into her by now. She looked to her husband, to see if he would be able to go another round. He was asleep. She huffed. Great, first the man had tried to murder her daughter while Ayano slept, and now he had ruined her fun. Although saying that, she was feeling a bit sore down there. Perhaps it was for the best. She was sure she would get pregnant this time, as she was ovulating. Although she could feel that her husband was still hard. Before she could decide between going to bed or go another round anyway, her phone rang. She looked to see who was calling. It was Ayano. She wondered what had happened to cause her daughter to call. It would have to be something important, as the only other reason Ayano would call is if she was feeling lonely. Which was unlikely, as mono would never leave Ayano all to her lonesome. She answered the call "Hey sweetie, what's the matter?" She greeted. The blank, monotone voice of her daughter came back with three words. "I've found him." she was suprised. She hadn't been expecting this to happen for at least another year. Shit, she couldn't help her daughter through this difficult time of her life. She would have to cut this trip short it seems. Her mother had been unable to help her, what with having died giving birth to her sadly deceased sister, neither having survived the stressful birth. "Ayano dear, listen to what I tell you. Do not get caught, don't leave any evidence that can be linked to you. I will be back by the end of next week." She informed her favourite child. Oh she'd never admit that out loud, but the girl on the other side of the phone was her favourite. She was sure mono had picked up on her blatant favoritism, the boy was quite observant after all. "Now tell me more." They talked late into the night, only stopping when Ayano yawned. She told the girl to go to bed and hung up. Then she followed her own advice and settled down to sleep. She didn't know it, but her husband had been awake the whole time. He internally sighed, not wanting to draw the women's attention. 'And so it begins, all over again. Danmit all, if only i wasn't so weak. I can only hope Ayano's love interest is strong willed, maybe that will end this cycle.' He hated the woman next to him, and hated the monster he knew his daughter would become. Or perhaps she was already that monster, hiding in the form of his little girl. He prayed mono would be able to stop her from killing people. What he didn't know, was that Mono would be more then happy to assist Ayano in the coming slaughter.

Ayano/six pov

She got a text as she was settling down to sleep. It read *i saw you stalking a boy at school today*
*Do i know you?* she replied.
*no, but i know you, Ayano Aishi*
*have you been stalking me?*
*no, I hacked into the school database*
*and what is it that you want?*
*I want to help you*
She thought for a moment *how?*
*that girl you saw him with is called osana najime. She has a crush on taro* that peaked her interest as well as her anger. *you know that myth at school? The one about the cherry blossom tree*
*the one where if you confess to someone under it, they are garunteed to accept?*
*she believes in it, and will confess to him under it next friday* she scowled. She could not let that happen. No matter what. She didn't care about the myth, she didn't believe in it. But she wasn't going to take the risk that it actually worked. *I would be very happy if something terrible happened to osana* the other person texted. *how should i do it?*
*that's going to cost you*
*how much?*
*5 panty shots*
*5 pictures of girl's underwear*
*any other ways?*
*well...nude photographs sell really well* she didn't reply.
*lets say, 3 nudes for a way to kill Osana, if that's preferable. Or we could do it for one pornagraphic video* neither of those options where better, although now she was curious.
*what would classify as pornagraphic?* she texted back.
*two people having sex, preferably at least one girl involved. Or a video of a girl masturbating.* Ayano was beginning to think the other person was a pervert, and not a closet one like her brother. Not that Mono knew she was aware. Still, unless she was willing to take pictures of herself nude or film herself masturbating, both of which she wasn't comfortable doing, she would have to figure out how she was going to get the required... she face palmed, her perverted brother was taking pictures up girls skirts. She hoped he hadn't done the same to her. *do they have to be of different girls?* she asked.
*no, it makes no difference.* well at least she had a fall back option.
*can i get a name?* she asked.
*call me info-chan* was the reply.
She put her phone on charge and went to sleep.
She woke up the next morning and got up and dressed straight away. A knock on her door and mono walked in. She froze, her top only half on. They stared at each other before Mono blushed and turned away. She hurriedly finished putting her shirt on. She may be emotionless but she was still a 15 year old girl, just without some of the insecurities that came with it. "You can turn around now." Mono did so.
"I am so, so sorry Aya, i didn't know you where up." He frantically apologised. Considering this was the second time he had walked in on her changing he probably expected her to lash out, like last time. Last time he had walked in on her completely nude, so she had beat him until she had tired herself out. Well, that had been the plan, but mother had seperated them after the first five punches. She didn't speak to him for the rest of that day. This time however, she was almost dressed so she felt no need to hit him. She hugged him instead. She could tell he was suprised, as he usually had to initiate the hug. He returned the hug though. "I need your help with something" she told him. She hoped he would help her win Taro's heart, she really did. "What do you need?" He asked. She released the hug, grabbed her phone and showed him the messages from info chan. He got a thoughtful look. "Im not sure how i can help, sis." He said. She stared at him for a moment, before swatting the back of his head. "What was that for?" He asked.
"You know exactly how you can help"
He winced. "So you know huh?" He asked, downtrodden. "You're not good at hiding things from me" was her reply. Her phone dinged. She looked and saw five separate panty shots. She looked at him. "There had better not be any of me on there." Mono gave her a thumbs up. "Don't worry sis, i haven't taken any of you. That'll only happen if you let me." She stared at him, face impassive. He started sweating. She felt her stomach rumble. "Go make me breakfast slave." She watched him scramble off. Her lips twitched upward for a moment, before returning to neutral. An idea formed in her head. Yes, that would be the perfect revenge for walking in on her. Mono had once said that her ability to hold a grudge was impressive, especially since she couldn't feel emotions. She sent the panty shots off to info chan
*how did you manage to get these before school started?* was the reply back.
*my brother is a closet perv* she sent back. The next thing sent was a list of items she would need. She could get these things easily, heck, a lot of these things where in the house. She went about searching for the items. By the time she got called for breakfast the only thing she couldn't find was the screwdriver she needed. She sat down at the table and started eating. "Does my darling sister need anything else?" She swallowed before replying "I need the flathead screwdriver, any idea where it is?" Mono hummed thoughtfully. "I think mum took it into the basement a few days ago." She forgot about the basement. She went to stand up, but was stopped by mono saying "not until you've finished your breakfast." She went back to eating without complaint. Once done, they headed down to the basement. The basement had some strange stuff put in it, however it wasn't used for storage. A chair with rope coiled nearby was in one corner. Several large cages filled part of the room, while a cabinet full of medical equipment and torture devices dominated the other wall. This was where all of the aishi women before her had tortured people, breaking them and turning them into little puppets to be done away with once they had served their purpose. Something dark stirred within her, and a creepy, insane giggle slipped out of her. She couldn't wait to make some little puppets of her own. Although, she would wait for mother to return first, so that she could teach her how. Mono shuddered. "Let's find that screwdriver and get out of here, this place makes you act weird." He said. They found the screwdriver fairly quickly. Well mono did, she couldn't stop giggling long enough to look. Mono ended up having to physically drag her back up the stairs. Once they had arrived at school she spotted senpai immediately and happiness bubbled up from within her. Rage replaced it when she saw Osana slap senpai again. She felt mono squeeze her shoulder. "Not here, too many witnesses." He whispered in her ear, pulling her into a hug from behind. She didnt move, just allowing him to do so. Some of her rage bled away as he hugged her. With her being quite a bit shorter then Mono, he could easily rest his head on her's. The rest of the day passed quickly. She had spent the day stalking osana, waiting for the moment she could kill the bitch. That chance came just after the end of school bell rang. Osana had seperated from her friend, a girl who's name she deemed unimportant. She followed the girl until she reached an empty classroom and entered. She followed unnoticed. She noted mono outside the gate, likely waiting for her. Osana started rehearsing, from the sounds of it for her confession. This place couldn't be more perfect. The rage from earlier started to bubble back up as she checked for security camera's that could see her or any potential witnesses. There wasn't any. She trembled, both from anger and a dark excitement. She reached into her bag and pulled out the bat she had put inside earlier. She snuck up behind the girl and gave her a solid whack on the head. Osana gasped as she collapsed to the floor, dazed. She dropped the bat and grabbed the girl before manhandling her over to a wall. She felt her heart beat faster in anticipation. She wrapped her hands around osana's throat as she kneeled behind the girl. "Senpai is mine" she whispered into the girls ear before slamming osana's head into the wall. A strangled yelp escaped the girl. She couldn't quite fit her hands around the older girl's throat so she was still able to breath. She wasn't able to scream however, as she squeezed as hard as she could just as her mother had taught her just the week before. She slammed osana into the wall again and again. Blood started to pour from osana's head. Ayano could still feel the girls pulse. Osana's head hit the wall a few more times. The girl whimpered, just barely concious now. She snarled before shoving all of her strength into slamming osana's head against the wall. An audible crack echoed from the girl, followed by the girls eyes shooting open. She had snapped the girls neck in a brutal way, but she slammed osana into the wall repeatedly. Even when the girl stopped responding to the pain she continued, lost in the haze of rage and the pleasure of taking a life. A hand grabbed her. "Aya, she's dead" it was mono. Osana's head had cracked open at some point, bit's of brain could be seen peeking through. She panted as mono picked up her things. Her legs gave out, but mono caught her. The adreneline had worn off. She stared at her handiwork and giggled. "What should we do with the body?" He asked. She pulled out her phone and snapped a photo. She sent it to info chan with a *she's dead, now what?*
Info chan responded with *good, now get yourself home and cleaned up.* she showed the message to mono before texting back *shouldn't we hide the body?*
*you wont be able to clean up and get home before school opens, i've put the camera's into a loop so you won't show up. I also made sure that the footage shows you both leaving. Don't ask how.* mono picked her up as she yawned. She put her phone away as mono carried her out with one arm, the other carrying her bag. She put her head down on mono's shoulder as she completely crashed, falling asleep with a soft sigh.

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