So yeah I'm back-ish 😂😂💔
Yasmine's POV
Honestly I'm really nervous about talking with Nico cause I know I messed up big time but I really really do love him I shouldn't have said all those messed up thing it was childish, I guess that's what I have to tell him
I made my way to his house to try and fix what I've broken hopefully I can"Hello Nico?" I said through the intercom thingie
"Come in Yasmine" I heard his voice, the door was unlocked
"Nico?" I asked carefully
"I'm in the kitchen!" I yelled
"Oh okay" I said that more to myself
"Nico I'm really sorry" I just wanted to get this cleared up
"Yasmine it's fine, I'm sorry too I should have taken note of your feelings and talked things out" he said putting his hands on my both shoulders
"Exactly I should have said something I should have communicated, I acted childish and I'm sorry please forgive me" I hugged him tightly I missed him so much
"Please don't hate me and please don't end things" I rushed out
"Yasmins I would never think of leaving you, I love you too much but that doesn't mean what you did didn't hurt me it did but I forgive you" he hugged me back tightly
"I'm sorry I know I was bad and I'll never do anything like that again forgive me"
"Are you deaf I just said I forgive you" he said laughing his ass off
"Oh" that's all I could say, looking at him, I really do love this man
I got on my toes and kissed him"What was that for?" He asked smirking
"Take it as an 'I'm sorry for being such a terrible girlfriend' kiss" I couldn't help but laugh at myself and he joined
After he was done making whatever he was making, we just cuddled cause I said I wasn't hungry, it was blissNico's POV
I'm so happy things have somewhat gone back to normal with us, after that day she spent with me it have been nothing but smooth sailing
Maybe she's right maybe I should just say it and quit the job"Hey Caleb?"
"Mmm" he hummed with a moth full of whatever he was eating
"Should I just quit this job and be with Yasmine permanently?"
"Wah no not at all, plus I'm sure she'll hate it if you did"
"I don't know it seems like the best option" I was so worried and nervous and scared
"Just talk to her, I can't give you the answer she will" he said patting my head like a dog
"Fuck you, don't touch my hair!" I half yelled at him
"Oh sorry your highness"
"Yes you're forgive peasant" we laughed it off and got back to having launch slash grading papers
It has been a long day haaaa, and I still have to text Yas and ask her how she feels about me quitting I haven't even told her about the company and all, haaaaaa life is so hard sometimes
Nicky😊:Hey Yas are you up?
Shortcake🥰:Yeah what's up?
Nicky😊:I wanted to ask you if...
Shortcake🥰:mhm go on
Nicky😊:if you didn't mind me quitting my teaching job at the university so I can be your full time boyfriend *ah that sound so cringe*
Shortcake🥰:What don't you dare, one you love teaching, two you're my favorite teacher, three your one of the best, and four you need the job I mean you're a grown man, grown men need jobs no?
Nicky😊:Technically I don't need THIS job I have another one
Shortcake🥰:Another job? Doing what?
Nicky😊:It's my family's company, I don't mean to brag or anything but it's a multi-billionaire company
So I don't need that job plus I love you more than I love teachingShortcake🥰:One wow and two shut up I don't care you are keeping that job call me selfish I don't care
Nicky😊:Are you sure?
Shortcake🥰: very now go to bed I'm tired
Nicky😊: yeah sorry
Good night love💚Shortcake🥰:night night 🖤
So she really does t mind waiting wow I guess she meant the apology that nice to know, what is this girl doing to me
Okay so the green and black hearts mean something but🤭
Anyway this chapter is dedicated to people who are finding it hard to forgive the person they love for what they did
Just try and forgive them they probably really mean it and regret whatever they did give them a second chance*except if it's not the second or third time and if they are a cheating scumbag
Bye read vote comment and share please 🥰💚🖤

A Teacher to Remember
RomanceWhat happens when a somewhat spoilt over entitled little girl falls in love with her teacher and he with her 🤭