So guys I'm back and I'll be updating as much as possible but like this book will soon end, thank you so much for all your support I can't believe it has gotten to 1000+ views ahhhhhh thanks so much and please keep reading commenting voting and sharing 😮💨❤️🔥
Nico's POV
"So Nick you most really love my daughter right?" He mom asked when she left"Yeah I do, with every fiber of my heart and I hope to God that she feels the same way about me." I really do
"Hmmm unfortunately I think she does" Yasmine's dad said coming in
"Unfortunately darling seriously?"
"Look Nicolas I don't like the idea of you dating my daughter with you being her ex-teacher and all but I see the way she looks at you and the way you look at her and I have to say it's a type of love that's scarce nowadays."
"Thank you?" I honestly don't know what to say, but I guess that's the nicest think I'll get from him so I'll take it
"Yeah whatever just take good care of her and protect her, she's my only child" he said while looking at his wife with sad eyes yet does sad eyes were filled with love
"I swear I'll take care of her for as long as she will want me"
"Okay enough with the sad and touchy feelings stuff, Nick come and help with the salad and darling you can help with salad dressing I love the way you do yours"
I have to say Yasmine's parents are something else, they have way too much energy at their age 😂 And the way they relate and talk and make jokes and just the way they look at each other it's just amazing,I hope Yasmine and I can find something like that. After we were done making dinner her mom asked me to wake her up..."Yasmine,it's time to eat you have to put something in your stomach" I gently shook her
"Mmm I don't want to walk right now" she just cuddled into her pillow
"Hmm okay" I didn't feel like arguing or anything so I just picked her up and started walking to the dinning room
"Hey what are you doing?"
"You said you didn't want to walk so I'm saving you the stress" like duh
"What will my parents say, drop me down big man" she slapped my chest, it kind of stung
"Don't be mean,you want me to drop you fine I'll drop you" I gently dropped her on the couch in the living room
"Oof you're so mean to me sometimes"
"Aww too bad" I just laughed and walked into the dinning room
"Where is she?" Her dad questioned me immediately
"She'll be here in about five seconds"
"Do I have to eat dinner I can just eat tomorrow" she sat down beside me but not before kissing her parents on their cheeks
"Yes you do now sit" sometimes she acts like a baby
"Fine" She sat down and started eating
"Omg wow mom this tastes so good,I've missed home cooked meals"
"Aww thanks dear but I won't have been able to do it without Nick and your father"
"No no we were just in charge of the salad she did all the work, right Nicolas?" I looked directly at me
"Yeah you're mom is amazing she was like an artist in an art studio and the food is the art"
"Don't over do it" he rolled his eyes and they all started laughing, oof
"Don't mind them Nicky, thanks"
Yasmine's POV
After dinner we decided to watch a movie but I think my parents wanted to give I and Nico some alone time"So what movie do you want to watch"
"Hmm you don't look so tired anymore"
"That's because I'm not, you guys stole the sleep from my eyes" she flopped down on the couch
"You're not serious,but let's what a time traveler's wive"
"Oh my friend James, you remember him right? Well he's been trying to get me to watch it he'll hate me if I watch it without him"
"Hmm we can what something else if you want" I don't want to ruin her plans
"Awwwn thanks we can watch So help me Todd, it's a nice series you'll love it I promise"
"Okay but like tell me what it's about first" I just honestly just wanted to get her to talk cause I love seeing her like this
"Okay so it's about this guy who lost his PI license that means private investigator by the way so he lost it due to some shady business he got himself into but backside his mom is a big shot lawyer she was able to prevent him from going to jail, he didn't have a job so he was broke and living in this sister like back years house I can't remember the name... do you understand"
"Hmm go on"
"Okay so his mum felt bad for him cause honestly she is all these workaholic moms yeah so she wasn't really there for him she even missed his 18th birthday like how can you do that, the day he became a man and you missed it so blah blah blah he started working g with her law firm as their PI and he's really good, he helped her solve a case she was trying to solve for 13 years crazy yeah it's just an amazing series" she took in a long breathe
"Wow that's a lot I think I'll actually like it, let's watch it" I want to keep her happy cause after what I heard I don't want her feeling bad or unhappy about it
Half way through the fourth episode she fell asleep so I carried her to bed but before i could leave she pulled me closer"Hey Nicolas Aetos I love you form the depth of my heart" she kissed me and pulled me to the bed with her
"I love you too Yasmine Gransuela, my unique and amazing girlfriend"I love calling her my girlfriend
So guys I just recently watched IT the first chapter and damn that shit's deep I sha enjoyed it
Again lots of love and thanks for all your support.Oh and I may soon turn this book into a mini diary 😂❤️🩹

A Teacher to Remember
RomanceWhat happens when a somewhat spoilt over entitled little girl falls in love with her teacher and he with her 🤭