I don't know what this chapter should be about but I feel like I need to publish something soon
James's POV(surprise!!)
Haaa I don't know what's going on with Tess and I. I honestly thought we were getting somewhere I guess I was wrong"Tess come on you can't be serious" she was literally sucking faces with this guy Steven
"OMG James why can't you get it that I'm no longer interested!" She said that so harshly
"What do you mean you weren't saying that sometime ago!" She was literally just telling me some days ago that she loved me what the hell
"Well I change my mind!" She stood up walking away
"What the fuck Tess stop, what did I do?!?"
"What did you do are you seriously asking me that question"
"Yes cause I have to know what I did in other to apologize properly!" I was exhausted
"Well for starters you've been completely ignoring my existence to hangout with Yasmine and Steph!" Is she serious
"What the hell Tess you know I had to be there for them and I wasn't ignoring you I love you but they are like my little sisters!"
"Yeah go talk to your 'little sisters' and leave me alone" Ugh
"Tess you know what went down between them you know I had to be there for Steph, she needed me" I decided to try and calm things down
"Let's go to my car" I said dragging her out of the noisy house party
"Look I know you care about them and I'm happy you do but I just feel like you've been neglecting me lately and you know I have abandonment issues" she was tearing up
"Oh Tess I'm so sorry I didn't realize you felt that way, I love you so much trust me I don't want you to feel like I'll ever leave you" she was full on crying now
"Thank you so much for caring about me James, I'm sorry for overreacting and kissing that dude what's his name" she laughed through the tears
"I think it's something like Steven or so" I joined in laughing
"Let's go to my apartment ye?"
"Ye, that'll be great" I drove off towards her house
Yasmine's POV
Nico and I have been spending a lot of time together and it's great but I'm starting to get worried that some people suspect something cause some girls and even guys have been giving me a weird look and whispering about me"Yes Yasmine" I raised my hand in class to be excused
"May I please be excused Mr Nico?"
"Um sure" I just couldn't take it anymore the whispers are getting to me
"Thanks"I get my things and quickly left before I break down
I walked into a stall which was so gross by the way, I felt like crying but I just couldn't like my tears just got stuck in the back of my head so I just stood there staring into space
"Excuse me?" A girl that has pretty blonde her asked
"Yeah" I finally snapped out of it
"Are you sure you look tired and stressed out" she came closer she smelled like mangoes
"Thanks for your concern I am just tired I'll be fine" I gave the best fake smile I could muster up
"Okay which class do you have now?"
"Maths but I don't think I'll be going back in there the whispers they're just..."
"Sorry I didn't mean to bother you with my problems" I got my back and started walking away
"It's fine, I think I know what they were whispering about" that stopped me dead in my tracks
"They are talking about you and Mr Nico having an affair" shit I knew it I just can't have a fucking break can I
"Yeah I don't know if it true but I don't judge I mean I can't I dated and I'm still dating my high school English teacher" she said shrugging,what the hell man
"Wait who said that where did you hear that from?" I said grabbing her shoulders
"Woah calm down I'm on your side" she took my hand off her
"I just can't anymore" I said and broke down in tears I'm so frustrated I can't take it anymore
"Woah woah calm down you don't have to cry it's not going to fix anything"
"No offense but you have no idea how I feel"
"I actually do, the principle in my high school caught I and my teacher making out in class, so yeah I think I know a thing or two" she said chuckling
"Wow, I'm sorry l said that" I feel bad now
"It's cool let's leave this place and find somewhere to help you get a breather
"Yeah okay" we left the crummy toilet
"So do you want to know my name oooor?"
"Oh shoot I'm sorry I was so consumed in my own life I didn't even ask your name"
"It's fine my name is Rachael, nice to officially meet you"
"Same" we drove for awhile just walking up and down after about thirty minutes of driving and getting to know each other my phone started ringing it was Nico
"Aren't you going to get that?"
"Nah it's him" I don't know if I can talk to him right now I'll know something is off
"I mean it's better to pick so he doesn't worry" she has a point
"Yeah you're right" I called him back
"Hello Yasmine are you okay love?" Rachel signaled me to put it on speaker
"Yeah I'm fine I'm just a bit tired"
"Are you sure something seemed off with you in class today you didn't even come back" he sounded so worried I feel bad now
"You're right Nico I'm sorry I found out something that I just couldn't handle it"
"Oh what's wrong,where are you, is everything alright, are you okay-"
"Woah calm down I'm fine I'm just driving around with a friend to clear my head we'll talk later when I get back I'm sorry for worrying you, I love you" I said that and meant it
"I love you too Yasmine please don't ever forget that whatever is wrong I promise we'll get through it together"
"Thanks, buh bye" I was already tearing up
"Bye my love"
Shit is about to go down sheesh 😭😭💔💔Please read vote comment and share thanks 😊❤️🧡🧡❣️💞💓💕💚💚💚💛💜🖤🤎💜🖤❣️💕💓💗💕💜🧡💚🧡💚💜💜💚💛

A Teacher to Remember
RomanceWhat happens when a somewhat spoilt over entitled little girl falls in love with her teacher and he with her 🤭