Okay I know i said I'll update before 11th but I got distracted 🥺
The 11th was my birthday so yay happy birthday to me(ps it's also the day I broke up with someone 😂💔)Yasmine's POV
"What?!?" They said at the same time"Yeah he was my teacher he actually just quit his job because well people don't exactly support of things like this"
"Well duh, what did you expect for them to be happy for you and congratulate you?" My dad asked rhetorically
"Oh shush dare, you don't have to be so sassy about it" my mom said rolling her eyes
"What do you mean, our 19 year old....you're 19 right ugh whatever, is dating her teacher and you don't want me to be sassy?"
"Mon cheré calm down" my mom said putting her hand on my dad's shoulder
"Can we at least meet him?" My dad asked still looking annoyed, I hate annoying him or wronging him in anyway
"Yes, I'll just be a second he's in the kitchen I think"
"You stay in his house?!?" His eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head
"No no I just came here some minutes ago from the university, he's place isn't far from campus and I just wanted to stay here for some time" I was nervous about this whole thing which made me bite my lip
"Whatever just get the lad"he sounds like he just gave up, meanwhile my mom was giggling at him
"One second"I quickly run to the living area where Nico was laying on his couch
"Nico my parents said they want to meet you" I don't know why but I was nervous on his behalf
"Ooh okay" he seems more calm about this than me
"Okaaaay"We quickly made our way back to the room
"Mom, dad this is Nico, Nico these are my parents"
"It's nice to finally meet you Nico" my mom said smiling
"What do you want from my daughter?" My dad asked with his hands folded
"Well honestly it's not about what a want from her it's more like what I want to give her"
"And that is?" My mom asked curiously while my dad just waited for his answer honestly I want to know his response too
"I want to give her everything and anything, I don't want her to lack anything she had brought me so much joy and love that I want to give her the best life has to offer and much more, I'm willing to give up everything I have just to make sure she's smiling, your daughter is the second greatest thing to happen to me and the first being having her beside me and know that at least she doesn't hate me or doesn't know I exist, I am beyond happy to have met her and I want to show her all the great things of life...so yes it's not about what I want from her but what I want to give her" When he was done with his little speech my mom and I were in tears while my dad just had a little smile on his face
"Nicolas that's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said about me, thank you" I gave him a hug wiping away the tear that dropped from my eye
"Aww that's adorable Nicolas" my mom cooed at him
"Honestly that was really nice to here, I'm glad you feel that way about her and if you so much as make her crying any tears that aren't happy I'll end you" my dad said trying to sound intimidating
"Oh hush Mon Amir" my mom said giggling at her husband
"We'll talk more later Yasmine but for know just enjoy you day,oh and please I don't want to be a grandmother just yet so no funny business"
"Agreed" my dad said nodding his head sharply
"Oh gross mom stop" Nico was chuckling and my mom was just full on laughing
"Bye" I quickly cut the call
"That was interesting" Nico Sadi with a cute smile
"It really was, at least they aren't too upset about it" I shrugged off the bad feeling I had before
"Yeah let's just take a nap and forget about this day entirely"
"No,no I want to remember that beautiful speak you gave,you were all like"
"Stop don't do that" I ignored him and continued
"*cough* I'm Nicolas and I love your daughter and I want to give her the world and make her happy she's the second best thing that has happened to me and the first is having her by my side and knowing she doesn't hate me" I mimicked him using a deep voice
"Mtcheeeew and you were like 'oh Nicolas I love you soooo much you're the most amazing guy in the world *sniff sniff* no one has said something so beautiful about me" he said with an extremely high pitched voice
"I don't sound like that" I slapped his arm
"Oh sweetheart you do, it's a wonder how I haven't dumbed you for someone with a better voice"
"Pleeeeeease like you can ever find someone like me" I shot back
"Whatever Yas I just want to sleep, come here let's sleep" he dragged me to his side and we fell asleep, I'm just glad my parents were some what okay with it and i hope the whispers and talk just die down after a bit of time

A Teacher to Remember
RomanceWhat happens when a somewhat spoilt over entitled little girl falls in love with her teacher and he with her 🤭