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Hello all!😊💙😄

"Your friendly neighbourhood -"

Oh wait, sorry, that's the wrong universe! (Lol)

Just your fellow comrade, reporting for duty. I just wanna say thank you so much for checking out this story. It is a pleasure to write. To be honest, I love this fandom, and when I was younger (before I took a break from reading fanfiction), coming on WP and reading Transformers fanfiction was like getting the philospher's stone. (Sorry for the HP reference, I just watched it for the first time)

And I just wanna do that for someone else. I also just wanna create a character that you can all imagine yourself in the position of, and just relate too :).

But firstly, before you read the first chapter. I wish to give a disclaimer:

1. This story will contain ab//se. In my bio, I said my story would be about helping me deal with my childhood trauma. Let me get into a bit more detail here:

• I, Ellie, am a glass child. This is a "sibling of a person with a disability. The word glass means people tend to see right through them and focus only on the person with the disability. 'Glass' is also used because the children appear strong, but in reality, they are not. These children have needs that are not being met."

•What that means, in simple terms, is that in favour of their disabled sibling, siblings without a disability can often have their needed neglected. In no way am I saying that this is the fault of the child who is disabled or that parents do this on purpose. It just happens, and I hope to raise more awareness about people like me.

• I've also been emotionally abused. Again, I'm not saying it is my siblings' fault, I'm just saying this is what has happened because of the ridiculous expectations my parents place on me in regards to my sister and to them.

•What do some of  these expectations look like for me? Well, it's almost like I'm my siblings' second mum. I feed them, change them, bathe them, cook for them, and basically spend most of my days running around after and doing things for them. On top of being in my final year of school.

•Onto the emotional ab//s//. For many people, it looks different, but for me, it looks like this. Me being accused of basically not caring for my sister enough if I get a slight thing wrong, or yelled at, people saying I haven't done anything/don't do anything when I say I'm tired, amongst other things, even though I'm just a kid, you know? So are all other glass children. And to be honest, it's hard to get my head around this whole thing. There have been several times I wanted to leave home because I felt so overwhelmed and like nothing I ever did for anyone was good enough. To be honest, part of me still refuses to believe I'm abused emotionally, even though my own friends have said to me: "You're being ab//s//d." I just find it hard to accept, given the fact that it's not physical, or my parents aren't, swearing at me every five seconds. But, my friends, I've told everything, one of them is actually in a similar experience to me and they both said the same thing. Another of them said the way my parents treat me is "just cruel."

•Why haven't I left yet? Idk. If I did, I'd be disowned by my entire family, and to be honest, that scares me. Terrifies me. And if I do leave, and my parents convince me to come back, I'll never hear the end of it. I also wanna be able to support myself. Right now, things have calmed down a little. I've been given more space cause I'm behind in school, but even though I'm hoping for change, I think a small part of me knows it's not coming. But I wanna wait it out.

•Why am I telling you guys all this in a disclaimer? It's because I wanna let people know that they're not alone. Even if it was that way before, now you've got another person in your corner, and if you ever need me, I'll be there. Inbox is always open, and to be honest, it would be nice to have someone who dealt with this to talk to as well.

That being said, I will be using what I have gone through and putting it in this book. As someone who can't have therapy without getting told off for asking, this is kinda therapeutic to write. I'll be updating as often as I can. I don't know what that looks like, but you guys won't be going more than a week without an update.

3. Would also like to clarify that I have not gone through physical ab//s//. Most of the abuse in this book is emotional/ controlling behaviour (similar to how my parents have acted around me), but only a small amount is physical. I have also done some research on what physical abuse looks like. I would also like to make anyone going through emotional abuse known that just because our abuse isn't physical, it doesn't mean our experiences and feelings are "disqualified" in the words of a friend.

4. This will be an x reader. However, if you do feel uncommon reading a story about ab//s//, I will also be publishing a version without any asap. Also some background info:

a).Your name is (Y/N) Stewart

b).Your the daughter of Elijah Stewart - multimillionaire.

c).Hair colour = h/c

d).Eye colour = e/c

Till all are one,


[P. S I do not own Transformers or anything affiliated with it, such as the plot of the movies, characters, etc. That belongs to the people at Hasbro/Paramount/Michael Bay and the people behind the movies. I do own my ocs and the storylines created with them - so ask if you wanna use pls].

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