Chapter 4: A Feathered Freind

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Jennifer was traveling through Route 1 with Starla by her side as they made their way to Guren Town, where she could register for the Pokemon league.

"Starla, can you believe that my journey as a Pokemon trainer has officially begun? I'm sure you and Starfire are going to do great when we have are our first gym battle!" Jennifer said with a smile on her face as she looked at Starla.

"Meowth," Starla cried out faintly, briefly glancing at Jennifer.

"Aw, come on, Starla, we're going to have a fun journey no need to be mopping," Jennifer said, kneeling down and rubbing Starla's head."Also, surprised you haven't learned how to talk like your parents. Have you really lost your will that much," She muttered, remembering how hard she used to work on copying her parents.

Starla just shook her head and moved away from Jennifer's head. Jennifer sighed as she looked at Starla and then at the sky, deep in thought.

'It will be difficult getting through to her, but I don't plan on giving up trying.'

"Alright, why don't we stop for a break when been walking for a couple of hours now, and I think we both could use some lunch," She said."They're a nice spot under that large tree near the stream," She continued as she walked over to the tree with Starla closely behind her.

As they sat under the large with beautiful light green leaves on it. Jennifer sent out Starfire, her starter Pokemon.

"Flacub!" Starfire cried happily, smiling at Jennifer, and looked at Starla curiously, who was lying on the ground with her paws crossed in front of her.

"Starfire met Starla. She was a gift to me by my family," Jennifer said, digging in her bag for lunch.

"Meowth," Starla cried out, looking at Starfire in annoyance.

"Oh, don't be so rude. Starfire is part of the team," Jennifer said, pulling out two cans of food and a red dish and a pink dish. The cans had two different labels on them." Alright, Starfire, here's your lunch," She said, pouring food from the can that had a flame on it, signaling it was for fire-type Pokemon, into the red bowl and slid it towards Starfire.

"Flacub!" Starfire cried out happily, walking over to the red dish.

"Starla here is your lunch as well; pouring the can with a diamond-looking symbol on it into the pink dish and placing it in front of her.

"Meowth," Starla cried out, looking at the bowl and then at Jennifer.

"Come on; you know me; no need to be so in untrusting," Jennifer smiled softly.

Starla then finally took a bite of her food after turning away from Jennifer.

'Good deep, she does trust me. I knew that there was no way what happened could ever make her distrust me, even though it was really Persian who saved the day, not me.' Jennifer thought as she recalled the Pokemon hunters and when Persian came to the rescue.

Shaking her mind from the remainder of the incident, she pulled out a bag of chips and some ham sandwiches that her mother had made for her and smiled. She loved her mother's sandwiches, significantly how she cut them into hearts.

'Mother, I love how you always cut the sandwiches into hearts.' She thought, unwrapping the sandwiches and starting to eat her lunch and her Pokemon.


After a couple of minutes of eating lunch, Jennifer was now cleaning up the dishes and her trash wrapper and just zipping it away in her pocket until she got to a place to throw away her trash.

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