Chapter 21: The Arival Of A Old Best Friend

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"Last, time Jennifer and the gang stopped for a lunch break after leaving Hollowstone cave and exploring a little bit of Route 4. Now with a new member of the group with Praichu, the group is enjoying a peaceful lunch," The Narrator said as the four trainers were seen sitting at the makeshift eating soup while their Pokemon enjoying a bowl of berries mixed in  Pokemon food. 

"This is some really good soup Oswald," Diamond said.

"It's not bad though personally doesn't compare to my mother's special vegetable soup with a hint of Tamato berries," Jennifer replied picking her spoon and before eating more of her soup.

"Oh yeah, I remember having that soup for your sixth birthday when we first met," Roy commented."It was slightly spicy but delicious."

"Fla?" Starfire questioned looking up from her bowl at Jennifer.

"Yeah, you would enjoy eating spicy food your favorite," Jennifer said leaning down slightly in her seat and stroking Starfire's head.

"I didn't know you liked spicy food then again we haven't known each other for long," Oswald stated.

"True you've only been traveling with me for a few days but been a week since I met Diamond," Jennifer said.

Diamond nodded in agreement."That is right and also where is my new Pokemon?" She asked looking at We're Here Chimchar and Foilpup were eating and noticed Praichu was missing.

"Hmm, don't know maybe she eating in hiding her kind is often shy," Roy commented. 

"I don't know her bowl seems to still be here," Diamond said."I'm going to take a look around," She said standing up from the makeshift table.

"I come with you so will Solrock better if we search in pairs," Oswald stated.


"Good luck I will be finishing my lunch and keeping an eye on the prankster," Jennifer said glancing at Starfire who already got hurt last time with her pranks.

"I wouldn't worry about Starfire," Roy commented."She seems a bit calmer lately might be a sign of almost evolution time.  Once she evolves the pranking behavior Flacub changes her evolution personality are more though like Flacub none are completely the same in personality."

"Hmm, maybe it is almost time is she simply just trying to get us to lower our guard," Jennifer said.

"I think she realizes the danger of pranks after getting hurt last time" Diamond stated walking off with Oswald to find Praichu.


Diamond and Oswald are now walking a little deep through Route 4 and looking around for Praichu.

"I don't see anything," Diamond said with a sigh.

"Same here," Oswald commented."Solrock take a look over there," Oswald said pointing to an area to the left surrounded by trees.

"Sol" Solrock cried ou as it with through the trees to search for Praichu.

"Let's continue looking around here Solrock let us know if it finds anything," Oswald commented.

Diamond nodded and continued looking around for her precious Praichu. As they continued looking around they heard a loud and familiar cry.

"Solrock!!" Solrock cried out loudly.

"Come on seems something the matter," Oswald stated noticing the unusual loudness of Solrock's cry.

"Let's hopefully it does mean anything happened to Praichu," Diamond said worriedly as she and Oswald followed the sound of Solrock's cry.

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