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♪♪(o*゜∇゜) o~♪♪



"Bleh..." Hotaru groused feeling the puddle splash onto her pant leg.

Today was busy, the streets bustling with lots of people walking past each other per usual.

"Damnit, my pants are soaked..."

She quietly grumbled to herself.

  It was a warm and sunny May afternoon as she was exploring the streets. She shook the water off her foot briefly as she took another step.

Hotaru looked up seeing a subway train rushing. past. Her hair blew in her face a little as she stared at her reflection in the passing window.

 She fixed the curly strands of hair that blew on her face and pulled her red headphones onto her ears. The sounds of the world was deafened and muffled over her music. She gazed and stared at the large billboards playing on the sides of buildings. 

Most of them were regular advertisements. Though, one was the news. Hotaru scanned the huge screen reading the subtitles.

 Mount Lady, the new upcoming pro-hero makes her strong debut!... 

 While not paying much attention to her surroundings, a stranger shoved her and almost knocked her down. Her headphones falling off her head from the whiplash as she tripped.

She let out a short grunt as she caught herself. 

"Ay-!" She turned to confront the person, but they weren't paying attention as they gravitated towards a street crowd. Sounds of chaos were heard from where she was standing.

 They were all swarming around a villain. She picked up her headphones, fixing and readjusting them around her neck.

"These things happen to damn frequently around here..."
She thought, referring to villain encounters happening just in the middle of the day with lots of people around in public bustling areas. It was common in big cities like this.

They were usually only small-time thugs, the typical "loser lowlifes", as Hotaru would say. She had a passionate hatred for any kind of crime despite her own rowdy and rebellious personality.  

Hotaru's eyes widened in surprise as she overheard muffled explosions mixed in with yelling.
 Her curiosity and concern drew her to the crowd. She gently pushed past people traveling to the front of the audience.

 She stood on her tippy toes trying to see over people's shoulders and heads since she was short. As she got into the front of the crowd, she saw an ash-blonde kid in a black middle school uniform- around her age.

He was being held hostage by a green slime/sludge villain. It was sending explosions at the scattered pro heroes who were trying to assess this scene.

"Someone save the boy! -"
"Where's Allmight?!" 
"Didn't he catch that guy earlier?"
Cried the people in the crowd distraught.

Hotaru's eyebrows tilted as she looked at the young boy and this despaired moment. 
"His parents or friends are probably watching this right now...sitting on the sidelines..."

She clenched her jaw.
"Evil bastard scum." She murmured through her teeth with her nose scrunching up in disdain. Her hands were tightened into fists as she scowled. 

 That's when another young boy in the same school uniform ran out of the crowd throwing his yellow school bag at the villain in a brave yet reckless attempt at disabling the villain...
 His bag opened, papers from inside flying everywhere.

  Hotaru eyes gaped as she let out a small silent gasp in astonishment.

 This other young boy was rather on the scrawny side and short. He had a messy mop of curly green hair and freckles that decorated his cheeks. was trying to save the hostage, tears overflowing from his eyes. He was wearing the same school uniform as the ash blonde.

He started trying to pry his classmate from the villain, clawing at the slimy sludge coating that the villain was made of. Unfortunately, His brave efforts made no effect.

Then suddenly Allmight, the famous No.1 hero appeared from the crowd with a plastic bag in his hand as if he was just at a convenience store.

"Damn you villains, preying on young schoolboys!" He announced loudly with a dazzling heroic smile.
"Hope has arrived, I AM HERE!" His heroic voice thundered as he launched a punch at the slime villain, sending it into small chunks and pieces off itself.

His punch stirred an incredibly strong breath wind that hit Hotaru. She held onto her headphone's to make sure they wouldn't fall off again as she closed her eyes.

It left the hostage completely untouched.

As the conflict was finally resolved steam was blowing around Allmight with the sky growing dark and grey.

Allmight grunted with his iconic smile plastered on his face, the same as always. He crouched, jumping up and made a boom of laughter as he launched himself into the air. Hotaru felt the ground shake from the impact of his jump.

The crowd soon disbanded and split up, as the people were carrying on with their normal day.   Hotaru stood for a few moments. She was still comprehending what she witnessed.

"So that's what bein' a hero is really all about huh..." She whispered under her breath.

Admiration welled up inside of her...It was like a spark of fire fueling a heroic endeavor in her heart. She felt a small droplet of water fall onto her nose as it started sprinkling.

The blonde boy immediately was aided by the heroes. As Hotaru stood there by herself the boy glanced at her and the two made eye contact briefly.

Her bright orange eyes flickered as they met his.

Hotaru nervously scratched the back of her head as she shoved her hands inside of her pockets and pulled out her phone. She started walking faster as she was caught in the rain.
She was stepping in more small puddles, her pant legs getting soggier.

How to enroll into hero school...
She typed into a search engine as droplets of rain trickled down her phones screen.



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