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(Small chapter)



It was now lunchtime. Hotaru was waiting in the lunch line along with some of the other students from her class—even other courses, like general studies and support.

 She could only smell the food from where she was in the line and even that made her mouth water.

"U.A. is the best thing that ever happened to me..."

She shuffled in line as it moved and a few minutes later got her food, luckily, they had her favorite meal: Subuta, which was sweet & sour pork Japanese dish.

As she was trying to find a spot to sit at, someone barged into Hotaru. She stumbled catching herself.

Ay watch it!" She retorted looking up at the guy and saw that it was Bakugo and closed her mouth.

"Stay out of my way toothgap!"
Bakugo barked back. He was like an angry dog baring his teeth.

Their confrontation was interrupted as an alarm started blaring.

The lunchroom quickly transformed into panicked chaos as everyone was trying to exit all at once. Hotaru and Bakugo were shoved against each other from the crowed pushing past them.

"What the hell is happening?!-"Hotaru grunted, trying to push people away which wasn't working as she was getting knocked around. She dropped her tray of food, it splattering on the ground.

"Damnit-!" Hotaru whined.

someone cried out in the panic.
"We're under attack!"

Bakugo murmured something inaudible under his breath. Hotaru couldn't hear it over the crowd of people yelling and the alarm.

Suddenly Iida was shot up above the crowd doing involuntary cartwheels in the air because he couldn't articulate himself well Uraraka's zero gravity quirk being used on him.

"Everyone! Calm down! The teachers and heroes have this situation under control!"
He said assertively trying to calm the student body.

The tension and panic slowly started to subside as everyone listened to Iida's speech.

"I guess that's that..."
Hotaru said sighing heavily and looked down at her food.
She pouted sadly. She didn't have enough money to pay for another meal.
"Guess I'll just be hungry..."

She scowled as Bakugo pushed past her. He made a small 'tch' as he carried on with whatever he was doing before the conflict broke between them.

Hotaru sulked with an empty stomach for the rest of the day.


It's been 2 weeks. 2 long weeks.

Hotaru walked to her bed, her hair in a silk bonnet.
She let herself fall onto her mattress, exhausted.

"Only one more day. One more day till the weekend... one more day..."

She kept repeating to herself in her mind over and over again.

She groaned reaching down to her favorite thick, warm, and cozy blanket and pulling it over herself tiredly. She'd been training all week school and out of school.
It was draining, not to mention the fact she had to work harder academically compared to everyone else.

It was a completely different curriculum that she had to adjust to... not to mention she was pretty much illiterate. She could barely read and write in Japanese.

She pressed her face into the sheets of her bed and groaned at her own demise. She then felt her phone vibrate next to her hand.


Hotaru brought her phone in front of her face, checked the notification, and saw that it was her brother. He was off at college back in Florida while she was here in Hosu.


April 9th, 9:06 P.M

So how's everything?


Hotaru frowned, glaring at her phone as her thumbs moved on their, typing away before she stopped herself. She was about to send a nasty text but decided not to.
She sighed and deleted all of it as she faced her screen down and groaned loudly into her pillow.


She was mad at her brother. It wasn't his fault though... she was upset he was at college, and he never reached out to talk to her at all pretty much. She was upset that everything was so different now. Now that they weren't kids. And in a way, she felt abandoned that he was gone.

She looked through her window outside before rolling over and started trying to sleep, rather than actually respond to his text.

"I'll respond later..."

She softly muttered closing her eyes and fell asleep.

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