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As everyone came back to homeroom the bell almost was about to ring, concluding school.
But Hotaru wasn't back yet.

She was still in the infirmary.

Bakugo was on his phone and couldn't help his face scrunching up, annoyed as he heard Midoriya's voice when he entered the classroom. He had a cast and sling for his broken arm.
"Is Hotaru okay?..."
Iida asked Midoriya.

Iida and Hotaru were only barely acquainted with one another, but seeing as she and him were a team earlier he felt it was the considerate "noble" thing for him to ask. Especially as the class's representative. 

Midoriya shrugged nervously feeling a little bit guilty. He felt like he was the reason that Bakugo's team lost. He felt like he let him down.
"I-I'm not sure... she was still asleep when I left.
Iida sighed.
"Aw Alright then, I see."

Bakugo sat at his desk with an itching feeling that was growing. He tapped his foot, agitated.

The image of Hotaru on that stretcher being carried away kept replaying over and over inside his head and how he just stood there, absolutely speechless.  Her defeated body laying so comfortably right there in front of him pissed him off.

She shouldn't have won. He "destroyed" her... At least that's what Bakugo thought. 

He stood up from his desk, threw his bag around his shoulder, and left the class. He didn't care enough to stick around.

In the hallway, Iida followed Bakugo and stopped him.
"Hey! Y'know... you didn't have to hurt her that bad. I mean... she's our classmate still... doesn't that mean anything to you? You could have put her totally-"

Bakugo's eyes hardened.
"Piss off. I don't care about your little stupid team. You're all extra nobodies to me."

He stormed away with his hands in his pockets.



Hotaru was on the bus with everyone in their hero costumes again, besides Midoryia. 

"I guess the training from last week put his costume out of commission."
Hotaru thought as she glanced at him. While he was waiting for his hero suit to be fixed, he had to wear U.A.'s gym uniform along with his costume's gloves that survived. 

She sat next to "Fish-lips". Her distasteful nickname for Sato.
Hotaru thought he was well...for a lack of a nicer word: idiotic because of his looks and how he talked. 

"His hero costume looks so stupid..."

Hotaru thought as she judged him, rolling her eyes.

 He was tall and had short tapered spiked
 hair. He had almost comically big lips, hence the nickname she identified him with.
 His hero costume was a simple yellow skintight spandex suit with a mask. He had a pair of white boots and gloves, completed with a simple white utility belt.

 The rest of the class was talking about their field trip to the U.S.J, (Unforeseen Stimulation Joint) which was an advanced training facility that meant to simulate real-life calamities such as fires, earthquakes, floods, etc.

"My quirk is hardening... it ain't all that flashy like you or Bakugo's."
Spoke Kirishima. He and Midoriya were talking about quirks. He raised his arm, his skin turning hard and chiseled like a rock as he activated his quirk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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