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11 Months later...


Hotaru mumbled and yawned sitting up. Sunlight filtered through her blinds as warm light glared on her face. 

A few months back, she'd entered the entrance exams at U.A. and luckily passed which meant It was her first day of high school.
Her first day at U.A: the top hero school in Japan.

She turned sitting up and stretched. She looked over at her phone to see the time.

March 27th, 7:30 A.M.

Hotaru dragged herself out of bed and pulled a drawer open. She took out her U.A. uniform and placed it on her bed. She changed, went to the long-standing mirror that leaned against the wall by her window and bed. 

 She checked herself out, smoothing down her shirt trying to get rid of some of the wrinkles.

 She usually had her clothes crammed un-neatly into her drawers instead of being hung or folded properly. It left them unkept like this since she didn't bother to iron them.  

She watched herself in the mirror as she did her hair. Hotaru had thick, tight curls that usually were usually a hassle.

"Damn pain in the ass hair..." She cursed to herself.

"I really need a haircut..."

Hotaru put her dark hair into two symmetrical afro puffs. She paused for a moment as she examined them before pulling her backpack around her shoulders as she left her room.

  As Hotaru was about to leave the house, her mother stopped her putting a hand on her shoulder. Hotaru shot a harsh glare back, pulling away from her touch.

"Hey, don't leave without saying goodbye or a breakfast."
Her mom made a gentle and sleepy smile as she gave her a Poptart. She had woken up just to say good morning to her daughter on her first day of high school. 

"Thanks," Hotaru said in a flat tone.
"Have a great day pumpkin, I can't believe you're so grown!" Her mother pulled her into a gentle hug and kissed the side of her head. 

 "Ugh- Mom! Cut it out, I got places to be." Hotaru hissed, pulling away and shutting the door as she left with the Poptart in her palm. She had a frown on her face as she peeled the wrapper and took a bite, some crumbs smudging on her cheek.

 "Tch, I don't need to be babied..." She complained to herself wiping her face with the side of her hand.

She stepped onto the sidewalk with the sun's light pouring over rooftops and trees nearby, its rays leaking onto the streets and cars. As the sun hit her skin it brought warmth to her, feeling like a soft warm blanket.

 The keychains on her backpack gently swayed with each step she took.


Hotaru found her homeroom class and entered class 1-A. Her student number was No.9.

She found her seat, sitting behind a spikey boy who had bright red hair. He had a defining scar across his left eye. His hair was styled in such a way that it looked like he had horns. He was making conversation with the person in front of them.

"God his hair is so damn tall- how am I gonna be able to see the board in front of this dude?"
Hotaru thought as she got her stuff out for class. Her eyes flickered towards a loud dispute between two other class members.

"How dare you disrespect the former heroes that sat in that seat before you!"

 The two arguing were a tall and sturdy-built guy with parted navy-blue hair and glasses.
He seemed like the super-up-tight type, and the other a total punk with his spikey ash blonde hair. He had an arrogant and sleazy smirk on his face as he had his shoes propped onto his desk with his arms folded. 

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