-/Origins part one\

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          Lycan stood atop Big Ben, green eyes with black sclera staring at the moon up above. Fitting really, that the moon was full when the wolf was leaving London.

          Staring at the moon reminded her of how little her problems actually mattered in the grand scheme of things. It didn't matter that she didn't want to go. It was for her father's company after all.

          Her father never thought about his family's wishes, well... that wasn't completely true. He thought about Mother's wishes. But her? She didn't matter. It didn't matter that she had to pack up and leave her friends behind.

          Luppe flew out of her moon choker, taking Evie's transformation with her.

          The choker reverted to a necklace,  thumping back against her chest as the star in the middle turned back to a simple opal.

          Evie stood still for a moment, before reaching into her bag and pulled out an apple, and handed it to Luppe. She then sat down cross-legged, looking at her Kwami with a deadpan stare.

          "Evie, you need to stop staying out so late." the little wolf scolded, scarfing down the apple one bite at a time.

          Evie shot a look at her kwami. "You're a wolf, and you're telling me I have a curfew? At least I don't keep you up once a month howling when it's a full moon. Can't say the same for the other way around."

          Luppe barked indignantly, before turning her back to her holder as if Evie wasn't there.

          "You stay up on your own just fine studying... geology," she growled. "What's interesting about rocks anyway? They're just rocks. It's not like they can talk or anything."

           Evie dramatically rolled her eyes at Luppe. "Fine, I'll go home. Little mutt," she said the rest under her breath.

          "Luppe, full moon," she grumbled. The wolf flew into her necklace, turning it back to how it had been moments prior.

          She un-attached a crystal from her belt and held it in her hand for a few seconds to imbue it with magnetic properties, and then hurled it at the nearest building, which was somewhat in the direction of home. When it made contact it attached itself to the wall.

          Lycan dove off Big Ben with no reservations, magnetizing herself to the gemstone. Her hand made contact in milliseconds, and she flipped on top of the new building. 

           A few more magnetized jumps, and she was atop her balcony on the Typson family mansion.

           Evie de-transformed and entered her room, immediately going to her computer to finish the Wikipedia article she was reading.

          That was, until she saw a discord notification from Amanda.

          Almondroll: Heyyyy girlie you still awake? :)

          Everfree: no

          Almondroll: so you are :)))

          Everfree: no ._.

          Almondroll: wanna hang out? c'mon, bestie :DDD

          Everfree: my dude, it's like 1 am 0-0

          Almondroll: ik! I mean like in the morning :D

          Everfree: how about no

          Almondroll: whyyyyyy notttt

          Everfree: I need to pack my stuff for my move to Paris. Don't tell me you forgot I'm moving already?

          Almondroll: ...

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