twenty:﹙trying something new﹚

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trying something new.

"contains; nothing,"—no need to proceed with caution

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"contains; nothing,"
—no need to proceed with caution

Waking up to the sun shining on her face; squinting her eyes she saw Matt; his fluffy hair covered his eyes a bit and his light snores

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Waking up to the sun shining on her face; squinting her eyes she saw Matt; his fluffy hair covered his eyes a bit and his light snores. Wearing his tee-shirt from last night, Matt was still shirtless the blankets over half of his body.

Matt moved his body to the side facing her now, as her arms rested under her head even with the pillow under her head she used her arms as an extra pillow. His arm dropped on her hip, a small smile dawned on her lips as Matt listened to the sounds of her heart beating.

"Hey there," Y/n smiled, with the corner of her lips creasing, her eyes closed, and her voice soft.

"Morning," His voice was raspy and crockery and his mouth mimicked the same smile on Y/n's lips.

"I'm guessing you have to go to work," Y/n kept her eyes on him, as he stared at her pillow.

Matt let out a hum, causing Y/n to sigh. "As much that I'd like to stay here..." Matt smirked, holding onto Y/n's hip. Hearing the sounds of her heartbeat; Y/n moved on the bed sitting on her knees; her arms went resting on Matt's shoulder as she took her place on his lap, straddling him.

His hand trialled up from her thigh; which he grabbed naturally helping her straddle him, back. Their faces were close together, and he faced up at her with a smile on his face. Her left hand rubbed against his forehead before she slid before of her hands on his face cupping his face softly.

Y/n leaned down, as Matt closed his eyes and relaxed once more; pressing his lips to her softly; the kiss was softer than last night.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Matt teased smiling in the kiss; Backing up a little both of them leaned in again connecting their lips for longer.

Y/n's hands slid down from his face to his chest softly. "Mhm, was a really really good night," She smiled, in the kiss; Matt's hands held onto her clothed hips.

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