The Backrooms: Futuristic Halls

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Survival Difficulties: Class 0


Level 15 is a series of futuristic hallways with occasional pitch-black areas created by the absence of any lighting. Sounds of engines can be heard from afar when traversing through these hallways. These noises are coming from machines that are located in large rooms closed off by reinforced doors made out of metal. A part of the wall of these rooms is made out of thick glass.

These machines range from the size of a laptop to unmeasurable dimensions, and the noises they emit don't seem to be affected by their size. Some machines have clear tasks, which are easy to notice — like producing steel rods — but most of them don't seem to have one, with some not having any Frontrooms equivalent whatsoever. Rarely, one may stumble upon a room that contains machines that have been destroyed; machines of which appear to have either exploded or broken due to unknown reasons. It can be theorized that the cause of these explosions is a lack of maintenance since nothing seems to prevent them from breaking down. The glass on the wall of these rooms appears to have been shattered but not broken, indicating that it may be composed similarly to laminated glass.

This level is thought to be infinite; however, this is only an assumption made since it might be simply too large for a proper measurement to be made. Thus far, it has been verified that it covers a surface area of at least 6 080 km².
The rooms and hallways are made out of white or gray concrete, with beams of white steel lining up against the walls and ceilings. Long symbols—which look like arabesques—can be found inscribed on the beams. These appear to have only a design purpose.
Large lights on the walls, ceilings, or ground give an eerie glow to these empty hallways. The only thing that's breaking this color scheme is the dried-out blood and bodily fluids that can be found alongside corpses present throughout the level.

These corpses seem human, but the manpower inside the level doesn't allow for proper dissection, identification, or removal of these corpses. They are dressed in lab coats and the causes of death seem to be from violent fights using different kinds of weapons. Makeshift knives and spears can be found alongside some corpses, but no firearms have yet been discovered, even though some bodies show clear signs of gunshot wounds. Despite the absence of bugs to help with the decomposition process, the corpses seem to have lost enough water to indicate that they have been here for several months, or even years.

Several kinds of rooms can be found in this place. The engine rooms have already been mentioned, but other ones exist, which appear to be laboratories, dormitories, kitchens, and control rooms, as well as storage containing food, water, or numerous types of equipment. is notable by its absence in the entire level. The majority of these rooms are empty and devoid of furniture, while others have been the theater of intense fighting. Computers can be accessed and can connect to the I.L.N.
These computers are running on unknown versions of Linux, which is called "Avalon 2.4". They are hosting files that appear to be written in an unknown language; a language of which is currently being studied and researched by the Cygnus Order. However, it is known that some of these files are journals, mails, studies, or manuals about the aforementioned engines and machines, and their tasks.

No entities have yet been discovered inside this level, however, numerous corpses of Hounds were found pilled up in a room that seemed to have been used to cremate a large number of undefined objects.


Level 15 was discovered when a wanderer entered it during an event that occurred in Level 10. They entered it only to end up in a large control room, which they used as a camp to explore further. After two days, the door slammed shut by itself and hasn't reopened since. That wanderer, who we will call Enric from now on, has effectively been stuck in this level since the door has never reopened itself and no other way out, or in, has been found to this day.

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