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Today was the day . The day I had waited for the very six years of my life .
The day he would get what he deserved. The day he was going to get killed by me . The day I would finally get my revenge.

But why did the gun felt so heavy when I aimed it at him?

"Do it" Armaan poured himself a glass of scotch .

I pulled the gun off it's safety , on instinct. I wanted him to say something instead of flinching. I wanted him to stop me .

What the fuck?

I sucked in a breath as I settled my finger on the trigger.

"Hang on!" Aishwarya screamed as she pulled me down.

A flurry gunshot ringed and i gasped . Smoke whithering in the air blurring my vision . I dropped to the ground and grabbed Maya who had been shot instead of me , helping her move behind one of the couch. Shaheer fired his gun with enough speed that I heard bodies dropping to the floor in seconds.

I coughed , pressing my hand against my nose preventing the smoke to enter my lungs . I realized that Maya is safe so I got up firing another bullet.

Where the fuck is he?

I looked down at the floor immediately when I didn't find him . Was he shot? Was he even alive? The smoke was now suffocating me so the body in front of me . Was he Shaheer? No it can't be.

I sprinted in another direction and my bullet hit another men in his chest. Now breathing was impossible.

Pain surged through my head when someone hit me , I only remembered this before someone knocked me out.


High class events .

Company dinners, Business networking, banquet , celebrations - there is always something happening at Sin . And if there's a high class event revolving around a lot of money . Then finding me would be an easy task .

A banquet. it was lavish and long , and important people from all the continents were invited.

Dev Agnihotri , he was a very respected man in the world of important people. So when something is happening in here at least one of my family member is invited in here . Once in a while , we all are . The thing was we never got to relax . Dev was always doing something , meaning we're always doing something. I wasn't here to relax or being high as fuck. I was here for business.

Like tonight.

"Thinking about Nischay?" Aryan raised a brow , barely drinking his champagne. A snark crept up on my face but skillfully hid it along with the knives in my bun .

"Ya, how he got away with it." He ran away . He fucking ran away. i tapped my manicured fingers on the table , impatiently waiting for our target.
"Red really suits you, sweetheart."

I hated being called nicknames .

Especially with men who thought they could call me some sort of submissive pet names . They called me sweetheart just because they thought they are superior to me as I am a woman. Men always thought they are superior no matter the situation.

Pyaar Once AgainWhere stories live. Discover now