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Jimin is 8 years old and jk is 6

Jimins pov

I giggle watching my appa arguing with the witch queen. I gasp seeing a little girl sat on the floor, in all black and watching my appa and the witch queen. I smile a walk over to her and sit next to her "hiya"

She looks at me and smiles "hi, I'm Jeon jungkook" I hold my hand out "I'm park jimin. Prince of this kingdom" she blushes a little "I'm from the lost kingdom across the river"

I stare at her and then gasp "wait wait you're a-" she shakes her head "noo I'm not a witch yet,im just a kid" I nod "oh"

I hear a gasp behind us and I gasp when my eomma quickly grabs me away from jungkook "jimin!!!" I look at her "what?" she glares at jungkook "how DARE you come near my son you evil witch!" jungkook looks at her shocked "but i-"

I gasp when the witch queen grabs Jungkooks hand "we are leaving jungkook.now." me and jungkook look at one another sadly. I wave a little and she waves back.

My mother nods "and you are both FORBIDDEN in this kingdom for eternity!!! You and all your witch friends!!!" I gasp when black smoke appears making me cough a little. I then open my eyes again and gasp not seeing jungkook

My appa crouches down to me "those witches are evil son.. You are to never go near them again. Understand me?" I nod "yes father" he nods "good. Now go and practice your fighting skills" I nod and walk out the throne room

But jungkook didn't seem evil..


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