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Jimin is 25,jungkook is 23

Jungkooks pov

I sit down in front of my grandmother's grave and sigh a little looking down "why.. Why am I not allowed any freedom, everything here is dead and in ruins.. I just.. Want one day in the sunlight" I sigh and then stand up "goodbye grandmother. I'll visit again tomorrow... Like always"

I walk back to my home and sigh looking around and seeing it basically fallen apart and in ruins. I walk inside and see my mother making potions "aha! Daughter! There you are. How's the flowers?" I shrug "same as always, dead and rotting away"

I walk up the stairs to my bedroom where there is a big hole in the wall. I sit down and swirl my hand around a little and whisper a spell and smile seeing a flower appear in my hand. I stare at it "it's so beautiful.."


I sigh and then walk to my mother "yes mother?" she looks at me "we need a soul of a royal blood!" I yawn a little "okay? And what am I supposed to do about it?" she turns to me and smiles "go to the kingdom and cast a spell on the Prince! And bring him back so I can use his soul!"

I shrug "fine okay" I go to walk out the door but she grabs my wrist and pulls me back "you can't go in all black and looking like that! They'll know you're my daughter!!" I gasp as she casts a spell which changes my outfit to

I shrug "fine okay" I go to walk out the door but she grabs my wrist and pulls me back "you can't go in all black and looking like that! They'll know you're my daughter!!" I gasp as she casts a spell which changes my outfit to

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I look down and then gasp and realise she changed my hair colour "mother i-" she nods "I know daughter. Now go! Be quick! We have three days to do this!" she then pushes me out the door and I sigh a little before I start to walk through the enchanted forest.

How am I even supposed to get near the Prince...

I just. I can't let my mother down!

Jimins pov

I laugh a little as taehyung falls on his butt after losing a fencing battle to me. He huffs "dang chim. You need to find a girl. You spend all your time in here" i shrug "my parents want me to be ready for when the witch queen tries to take over again"

Taehyung yawns "they haven't been seen in years. The list Kingdom has been searched by my kingdom and yours! There is no way they're anywhere near here" I sigh and then walk to the window "even if they're not.. My parents are super overprotective... They don't let any girls in unless there royal"

Taehyung nudges my arm "wanna sneak out with me tonight?" I look at him shocked "what? I can't. The guards" he chuckles "dude I always sneak out to go see Yoongi and hobi. It's easy! Meet me in the ballroom at 11pm and I'll show you"

I sigh and then nod "fine. But if we get caught ill never get my chefs to make that stupid ice cream you like again" he gasps dramatically and then laughs as he walks out the room.

I stand by the window and look around and sigh "I just want some excitement in my life.. Being the Prince isn't as fun as it Sounds"

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