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jimins pov

i sigh a little as i sneak past the guards who were stood outside my room and walk to the ballroom where I see taehyung waiting for me.

I smile "hey tae. I'm here" he smiles and holds his hand out "ready?" I laugh "sure" I grab his hand and gasp when he pulls me over to the balcony and jumps off while pulling me with him

We land in a Bush and I look around quickly "I'm.. I'm not dead" taehyung laughs "no chim you're not dead. Now let's go before the guards start their patrol" I nod and then we rush into the town. I look around and smile "the kingdom is so much more beautiful"

Taehyung let's go of my hand and looks at me "you've never been here?" I shake my head "no.. Its so beautiful..". Taehyung smiles and I look around at the civilians and gasp a little stopping in my tracks when I see

The most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life...

She was talking to another civilian while she was wearing a gorgeous dress

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She was talking to another civilian while she was wearing a gorgeous dress.
Taehyung laughs a little "dude you are already whipped. Let's go talk to her!"

My eyes widen when he drags me over to the girl and she looks at me. I gulp a little "hey.. I uh.. I'm park jimin" she smiles "lovely to meet you, I'm Jeon jungkook" taehyung chuckles "huh... That name sounds familiar"

I stare at jungkook as she talks to taehyung. She then looks at me and we make eye contact "you have the same name as the Prince" I don't think and say "I am the Prince" I then wince loudly when taehyung punches my arm "ow!" I look at him

He glares at me "someone might report you to the guards if you say that!" jungkook giggles "no worries. I'm no snitch. Your secrete is safe with me" I smile "you're... Amazing"

She looks at me and blushes "thank you, I'm new in town.. I came from... From the east so I'm looking for a place to stay. My mother, the Queen of the Kingdom sent me away to travel around the world to search for a Prince"

My eyes widen "you're a princess?!" she nods "yes, but I don't like to tell many people.. You get treated a lot differently if people knew the truth" I nod "I know the feeling...hey... Tomorrow morning, knock on the castle door and I'll try convince my parents to let you stay"

Her eyes widen again "oh you don't have to do that" I shake my head "it would be my pleasure" she smiles and then curtseys to me "well thank you your highness" I smile and bow to her "I shall see you tomorrow princess" she giggles and then walks away from me and I smile

Jungkooks pov

I glance back and smile a little... The Prince is so nice and handsome and so so kind!!..

But I can't disappoint my mother....
I can't catch feelings...
I need to capture him...

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