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The next day

Jungkooks pov

I knock on the castle door and smile when a butler opens it "may I help you?" I nod "I'm princess Jungkook. I'm here to see the prince" the butler gasps "a princess?... How do I know you're not just some civilian? Or worse! A witch!"

I roll my eyes and then pass him a photo of my 'parents' and I smile "see? The king and queen from the east. And little me" he looks at the photo and nods "very well. Welcome princess"

I walk into the castle and see the prince stood talking to his parents. The king looks at me "why hello there. How can we help?" I smile as jimin turns around and gasps "jungkook!" I giggle "hi again"

Jimin walks to me and grabs my hand as he turns to his parents "mother, father, this is princess jungkook" I wave "lovely to meet you finally. My.. Father told me a lot about this place"

Jimin nods "can she stay with us?? Please! She has nowhere else to stay and If the civilians find out she's a princess they'll treat her badly" his mother nods "of course. We'll get a guest room ready for her"

Heh funny... I can pretend to be a princess just by a tiara and a bit of magic~

Jimin looks at me "you hungry? I can get the chef to make you something" I smile "I'm actually really tired.. I didn't sleep much last night...but is there a bathroom I could use?" he nods "of course you get your own bathroom in your room"

He gently pulls me up some stairs and into a massive bedroom and then points to a door "there you go. My room is across the hall. Call if you need something" I nod "will do thank you... Oh! Is there any clothes?"

He smiles and nods and then opens the closet where I see loads of ballgown type dresses. I smile "thank you" he nods and then walks out the room. I walk into the bathroom after locking the door.

I then use some magic to make my mother appear in the mirror. She smiles "you found a house to stay in?" I shake my head "I'm in the castle mother. I'll get this done quick" she nods "great. And don't forget I need him back here alive. Don't disappoint me"

I roll my eyes and then she disappears. I huff and then walk to the closet and hum looking at the dresses "ugh these are so ugly... Hmmm what if I" I then rip the dress to make one shorter and smile as I then change into it after using some magic to help it look nicer

I stare at it in the mirror and then take the gloves off and chuck them on the floor and smile "this is much better!" I then ruffle my hair a bit and turn the shower off and take a deep breath before walking to the bedroom door

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I stare at it in the mirror and then take the gloves off and chuck them on the floor and smile "this is much better!" I then ruffle my hair a bit and turn the shower off and take a deep breath before walking to the bedroom door.

I stop when jimin knocks on the door "princess do you want some cookies? The chef made some fresh" I open the door "I'd love some" he holds his hand out "let's go" I hesitate but grab his hand and he pulls me towards the kitchen.

I glance at him and blush a little...
He's so handsome...

What am I saying.
I have to lure him to the forest...to my. Mother
But how.....

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