Chapter 4

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Saphire's pov
The next few days I got the hang of my vampire half with the guys help but I couldn't help but grow worried especially when a new family moved to santa carla "you have nothing to worry about love" Paul tried to reassure me. I smiled the best I could as we all walked around the bordewalk, I actually met the head of their coven max last night and he's was pretty excepting of what I was and I'm so great full for that. I'm starting to see him as a farther figure already, I was just walking about to meet up with the guys again and I bumped into someone "oh I'm so sorry" the guys says "don't worry about, hey are you new here?" I asked as I didn't recognise his face "yea I am, my names Michael" he says and I hear an engine reav.

I walked over to go on the back of Paul's bike and I see all four of then send a glare Michael's way then we head back to the cave "are you four jealous or something?" I asked smirking a little as their grumpy faces "no we're not" David says. I just smiled and kissed his cheek "whatever you say love" I said and it was the next day and I was just walking past this comic book store "that's her!" I hear a voice say and just as four boys came out of the store the guys pulling up and today I got on marko's bike. Once back at the cave after racing Michael I realised what they were doing when marko brought out the wine bottle, I simply ate the food marko got everyone while sitting next to laddie. I can see star did not like the idea of Michael becoming like her but I didn't see anything wrong with it, I mean she seems to like him so now they can actually get together and never be apart.

It was a couple days later as I was asleep just outside the area there the guys sleep when I sensed someone coming "wow vampire hotel" I hear someone say "over there" someone else says as I then I feel someone grab me. I flinched "hey let go of me!" I yelled out they smirked "you think we're gonna just let......" they get interrupted by four very angry grolws "get your hands off her!" David says. The guy simply put me in a choke hold and aims a stake where my heart would be "no, we will finally rid the world of her disgusting kind for good" he says, I get a flash back as this was happening.

I see that they were gonna kill us all but before they could harm Jack I jumped in the way and roared out in pain "saphire!" I hear him yells as I lay there in dragon form "it's gonna be okay, just remember that you will find a purpose and gain your magic" haze says.
*flashback over*

I snap out if it to see myself on the floor and the guys fighting the hunters but marko was hurt so I ran over to him "no no no no" I say with a shaking voice and tears rolling down my cheeks. Marko gently cups my cheek with one hand "please don't cry, I'll be....." we both look to see a single tear drop hit his wound a heal pretty much instantly "and that's why they want her, dragon tears can instantly heal any wound no matter how bad" One of the hunters say. I can't Believe this right now "just go away!" I yelled at the hunters growling. I changed to my dragon from and managed to kill two of the hunters while the other two ran away, after I changed back i just hugged my legs while shaking "hey its gonna be okay" I hear Paul say and they all pulled me into a hugged. That night we decided that we should fully complete the mating bound and luckily they had a nest area big enough for all of us and oh boy was it amazing especially the feeling as each of them marked me.

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