chapter 3

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Saphire's pov
I was the first one awake and I realised I was in the guys cave, I took this time to think about why there is something strange about their scents. Once their awake they brought over a bottle "please drink from this, trust me" David
Says and I couldn't say no to him so I did so. It was blood but its nothing I've not known the taste off so it didn't faze me,
When nigh came we head up and are about to get on their bikes "wait where's laddie?!" Star asked worried. I get a scent that made my blood boil, I smell vampire hunters "Okay we'll go find him, you two wait here" David ordered and they hurried off and once their gone two boys slowly came over with laddie in basically a choke hold "let him go" I growled as a warning.

I ignore the weirded out look from star "not until you two tell us where the vampires are?" One of them says, it's in that moment I put it all together "you will not lay a finger on them!" I yelled. It's the animalistic nature of protecting my mates that was getting me angry "wait....your one of them!" The other boy yelled and fianlly I took a deep breath.

3rd person pov
The boys head back to star and Saphire when they had no luck as they hear star scream making them go running to a sight that even left them froze in their tracks

3rd person pov The boys head back to star and Saphire when they had no luck as they hear star scream making them go running to a sight that even left them froze in their tracks

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The dragon was standing in the way of vampire hunters getting to star and now laddie "I'm gonna ask you again, beat it!" It yelled in a familiar voice. When the hunters didn't back off she growls then used a breath of fire

Finally the hunters take off running and the dragon finally sees the lost boys and it almost looked worried as they step forward

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Finally the hunters take off running and the dragon finally sees the lost boys and it almost looked worried as they step forward.

They get that heavenly scent "wait.....saphire?" Dwayne asked softly and the dragons sighs "sorry I never told you about this" she says "you can talk?!" Makro exclaimed "well yea of course I can silly" saphire says. She changed back to her human form "please please please don't break the bound I'm begging you" she says almost crying with the fear of losing them. David walked forward "hey hey don't cry, we would neve leave you princess" he says as he whines her tears away and He smiled "yea by the way I've made the realisation that your vampires but I'm not afraid" she says and they all felt relieved. The finally get to the boredwalk and just did their usual hang out and ended the night with feeding on a couple surfer nazies with saphire joining in "wait you realise what we did and your not mad?" Paul asked "I'm not mad, to be honest I've always wished I could a vampire" she admitted and they all felt extremely relieved to hear this.

The two hunters head to the comic book store "where are we going?" The younger one asked "to visit my cousins Edgar and Alan, they can help us take down the coven" the older boy says.

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