Chapter 2

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Saphire's pov
I smiled and ended up meeting a girl named star during the show and we got along pretty well "so you just moved here?" She asked "well yea I did, something about this place just feels right to me" I say as we kept walking. I'm still not gonna try and get to close to her just in case "wait you ride a bike?" She asked "well yea I do" I say getting on my bike "believe it or not I built it myself" I say and she seems in shock 'guys who's the hottie star is with?' 'Wait I think......that's our mate' 'holy hell we hit the jackpot' 'well let's not be rude let's go over and introduce ourselves'. The lost boys pull up on their own bikes "so star wanna introduce us to your new friend?" The guy with a blond mullet asked, I looked at each one and they are all so frickin hot it's unreal "um okay, this is saphire she just moved here" star says "well it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm David these are marko, Paul and dwayne" he says and I simply nodded.

I started up my bikes engine and smirks "try and keep up boys" I say and rode off past them and right onto the beach, they followed behind and man was it fun. I have not felt this happy in a long time, I managed to stop just at the edge of a cliff by a lighthouse "nice!" Marko cheered as we all go off our bikes "follow us dear" Paul says and I followed them into a cave "welcome our home" David says. It's a bit odd that they live in a cave but I'm not gonna judge them to harshly "so tell us about yourself" makro says and I told them some stuff but not everything especially not the hole dragon part of me yet as I don't really wanna freak them out. I could feel my eyes getting heavy as the night went on and before I knew it I was asleep against marko's chest.

3rd person pov
The boys could not help but smile at the sight of their sleeping mate "she's fricken gorgeous, how should we go about telling her?" Dwayne askes "Tomorrow night well show her after making her drink" David says and the boys agreed. They were not gonna live without their mate so they must make her like them, meanwhile a group was camping just outside of santa carla "you sure it's in that town?" Someone asked their leader "yes but we have another problem to deal with, this territory is claimed by a coven so we may have to eliminate them first" the leader says anshe points to two boys "you two wanna prove yourselves them do us a favour, get rid of those vampires"

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