Chapter 5

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Saphire's pov
I wake up and see that instead of their usual spot the boys all fell asleep around me which was so cute, I tried to get up only to be pulled back down "not yet love" Paul says in a sleepy voice. I giggled a little and snugged back down with them and and we get up and hour later and got dressed then headed to boardwalk but some felt different, i didn't wanna tell the guys and get them worried. While we walked around I always had one of them by my side but I noticed an older couple who I'd say are in their mid 40's kept following us but I just shrugged it off "I'll be right back, I need the toilet" I say giving marko a kiss to the cheek as I'm with him at the moment. As I was in the bathroom I could smell other dragons near by "buy I thought I was the last one" I say quietly to myself, once I came out after washing my hands I followed the scent and eventually I found myself in a secluded part of the beach. I sensed someone coming and I see that same couple "why are you following me?!" I yelled showing off my vampire features but they seem unfazed "I can't believe it, after all these years we finally found you my dear daughter" the man says. Before I was definitely taken back by that "what are you talking about?" I say "well dear at the time I laid your egg we weren't ready for kids so we got rid of ut but now we fell ready" the lady says and that really set me off.

I changed to my dragon form "you have any idea what I've been though?! If it wasn't for a human family taking in my egg I would be dead, after I lost them I was alone for years till recently so you have no right you just show up out of no where!" I yelled and they didn't seem to like that reaction. We ended up fighting in our dragon forms and I was now on the ground whimper "saphire!" I hear Paul yell as the guys pull up on their bikes, I slowly changed back to my human form "vampire" my farther growls surprised at the growls he got back "how dare you hurt her!" David yelled as dwayne picked me up. I held onto him "now we'll be leaving with OUR mate" marko says as each of them got back on the bikes "she has four mate?!" My mother yelled but she was ignored as the guys drove off and got back to the cave "s-s-sorry I wondered off" I say softly "hey don't worry about that, let's just get you better" dwayne says softly as he lays me on the bed. I begged one of them to stay with me "I'll stay with her, we can take turns" David says as the others went off while he laid next to me and we both drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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