Chapter One

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*Beep**Beep* Ugh! 7am. I sluggishly slap my alarm off and roll out of bed. I drag my feet along the floor as I get ready for school. It was like this every morning. I’m Victoria Bennett, I’m 18 years old and I live in London. It is my dream to go to university to do a music degree.

*1 hour later*

Just as I am about to go to class, I feel someone jump on my back and sends my books flying.

“Sorry, Vicky” says my best friend Marni, as she helps me pick my books up. “I’m just so excited, my mum says that I can go to the One Direction concert with you!”

My face drops.

“I can’t afford it” I explained glumly. “Unless, I can get a job.”

She didn’t get chance to respond because the school bell rings and I rush off without a word leaving Marni standing there stunned.

*4 hours later. End of school*

School has just finished. I slowly drag my feet towards the gate, when I suddenly get the idea to go the job centre now. I sling my bag over my shoulder and run closer to the gate and sharply turn the corner and head in the direction of the job centre. I am smiling the whole time. I’m so excited.

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