Chapter Nine

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I go into the bathroom, shut the door and turn on the water. I quickly check that no one is coming outside, then I rapidly take off my sweaty clothes and dump them onto the floor before stepping into the shower. I feel the wonderful, hot sensation ripple through my body, as the water hits my cold skin. I start singing. I love singing but I’m totally rubbish.

*10 minutes later*

I’m on my fourth song now. I slowly reach out to grab the shampoo and start to lather it in my hair, when I suddenly hear footsteps going past outside. I stop singing.

“Don’t stop!” I hear a familiar voice say. “You’re amazing!” I blush at this.

I quickly switch the shower off, step out and wrap a towel tightly around me. I open the door and to my relief it is Niall.

“I’m sorry to wake you” I say glumly while staring at the ground.

“You didn’t wake me, love” he replies cheerfully. “Stay here a minute” and with that he leaves and goes into his room.

OMG! What is wrong with me? I’m tingling on the inside and getting all giddy just because Niall Horan called me love. Within minutes, Niall is back at the bathroom door, with clothes in his hands.

“Here, put these on. We don’t want you putting your clothes back on.” he says.

“Thank you” I manage to say. “You don’t have to do this!”

“I know I don’t have to” he says with a smile on his face. “But I want to!”

I get changed.

Niall’s POV:

I have just woken up. All of the other guys are still asleep. I look at the clock. 7:53am. I look to my left to see that Victoria is no longer next to me. I go upstairs, to go get changed ready for the day ahead, when I hear the shower running. All the boys are downstairs so that must mean that Victoria has got in the shower. I go into my room and get changed, when all of a sudden I hear someone singing. It wasn’t a boy singing. So it couldn’t have been one of the boys. It is a girl. It has to be Victoria. I walk towards the bathroom as quietly as possible to make sure that I don’t shock her. She must of heard me coming though because she stops singing and all is silent.

“Don’t stop” I say to her. “You’re amazing!”

I must have stunned her a bit as she turns off the shower and comes to the door. The door handle moves and her face lights up and a sigh of relief comes across her as she realises it is me and not one of the other boys.

“I’m sorry to wake you.” she says glumly while staring at the ground.

She is so cute when she is down, then again she is always cute.

“You didn’t wake me, love” I reply.

OMG, what have I just said! I called her love. I never call anyone love. Well, I suppose there is just something about her that makes me say some things and make me feel special.

“Stay here a minute” I say to her after a couple of minutes.

I leave and go into my room. I pull out some of my shorts and a top and go back to the bathroom. She isn’t in the doorway anymore she is stood inside the bathroom. She must have gotten cold or conscious that one of the other boys would see her. I go into the bathroom and close the door behind me.

“Here, put these on” I say to her. “We don’t want you to put your dirty clothes back on do we?”

“Thank you” she says shyly.

All of a sudden she just starts to put the clothes on, I turn away very quickly. She obviously forgot that I am still in the room. Once she has finished she turns around and stops in her tracks. Her eyes widen and her face goes bright red.

“OMG! I am so sorry, I forgot that you were still here!” she says quickly.

“It is okay, it is like your a part of the family now, don’t worry about it, love” I say sympathetically. “Let’s go downstairs, for some breakfast!”


OMG! I am wearing Niall Horan’s clothes. More importantly, I just got changed with Niall Horan in the same room. What if he saw something. Anyway, we both go downstairs with our arms interlinked. He is so close. I can smell his sweet smell. He smells so good and so does whatever is cooking in the kitchen. When, we get downstairs we walk into the kitchen arms still interlinked. Everyone, stops what they are doing and stare at us. Louis’ face drops and he storms off upstairs. Zayn and Liam run off after him, leaving me, Niall and Harry left in the kitchen.

“What is wrong with Louis?” I quickly ask Harry.

“Ummm...” Harry responds.

I know that he knows something, but I don’t know what!

“Harry?” I say sternly.

“Okay, but can I speak to you privately?” he asks consciously.

“Sure?” I say confused.

Niall stays in the kitchen to grab some breakfast, whilst Harry takes me into the living room and shuts the door quietly.

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