Chapter Seven

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“Get up Vicky!” shouts Marni.

I roll over in my bed. I am too tired to get up now.

“Come on, it’s 11 ‘O’clock, you’re meeting Niall in an hour” she shouts again.

I sit bolt upright, I can’t believe I forgot. I get up and run upstairs and jump in for a quick shower. I get out and rush into my room and pull out some orange shorts, a pink tank top and some sandals. I slip them on and race downstairs. I give Marni a quick hug and dash out the door and I just make it to the park on time. I start to walk around the park in search for Niall. Then, I see him sat under a large oak tree near the pond. He sees me and gets up and starts to walk towards me. He gives me a hug as we meet in the middle. I wrap my arm in his and we walk over to the picnic that he has set out. Luckily, the park is not busy so hopefully we won’t get recognised. At least then we won’t be in all the magazines.

*30 minutes later*

We have just finished having our picnic.

“You look beautiful” he blurts out.

“Thank you” I say as I blush.

Then out of nowhere I reach out and start tickling him. He leaps up and starts to chase me around the park, giggling and laughing. We go over to the pond and while he is looking for me, I creep up behind him and push him into the pond. I can’t believe I just did that. He starts to laugh and starts to climb out, but instead he grabs my leg and pulls me in too. We both climb out and go for a walk around the park arm in arm.

*6 hours later*

We sit down on the blanket and look at the sunset as it fades. I can’t believe that I have been here with Niall for 6 hours, where did all the time go. It starts to get dark and so he walks me back to my house. We are stood outside my house and everything is perfect, I look at him and into his beautiful eyes, I am falling for him more and more by the second. He is amazing, he is charming, cute, sweet and everything a girl could wish for, I just wish that he knew that I love him. I can see his luscious lips staring me in the face, I just want to kiss them but I can’t. They will never be mine to kiss.

Niall’s POV:

We are stood outside her house. She looks beautiful, how could I be falling for her. I only met her a few days ago and it was hardly a romantic meet but there is something about her I love, I just wish I could tell her how I feel. She would never be mine, she is perfect, the figure, the eyes, the personality-everything. Why would she fall for a guy like me?

*2 weeks later*

I have been meeting with Victoria everyday for the past 2 weeks. She is so special and I fall for her more and more everytime I see her. I go to the boys in our house and talk to them.

“Heya guys, can I ask you something?” I ask cautiously.

“Sure you can” say the boys in chorus.

“If I had a good friend should they meet my best friends?” I ask.

“Yeah of course they should, then they could all hang out together, why?” says Liam.

“Thanks guys, and no reason” I say cheerfully. “Anyway do you want to have a night in tomorrow and watch a film?”

“Yeah, sure” they all say.

“If it’s Toy Story!” Liam shouts eagerly.

*Next morning*

I ring up Victoria and ask her if she wants to hang out tonight. Luckily, she agrees. I can’t wait for her to meet the guys.

Victoria’s POV:

Yey! Niall called and wants to hang out tonight again. I love being around him, he makes me feel special. I want to know where we will be going but he says, it is a surprise. I get ready to go out with Marni. I feel so bad as I haven’t been hanging around her as much because I have been with Niall, all the time. I meet Marni at the park and we catch the bus into town and I take her shopping. She loves shopping. We first go into Primark and try on every piece of clothing she could find. Then we go into HMV, to have a look at some new music. We walk around the store , looking at all the new hit tracks and we walk past the One Direction section and Marni nudges me and winks. I bite my lip nervously, should I tell her I’m meeting with him tonight. Of course I should!

“Hey, Marni” I say nervously. “I’m sorry I haven’t been hanging around a lot, it’s just I got so caught up with meeting Niall that I forgot about the important things such as you!”

“It’s okay” she says sympathetically. “I understand, I would have done the exact same if I got the chance to hang out with Niall Horan or any member of One Direction or any celebrity in that matter.”

“Thanks, Marni” I say. “Also, I am meeting with him tonight but he won’t tell me where we are going and I have no idea what to wear. Could you work your magic again please?”

“Of course, what else are best friends for?” she says as her face lights up.

We rush back to my house and she raids my wardrobe and finally sees some cute black shorts and a white tank top with some knee-high boots. It is nearly 4 ‘O’clock. Niall is picking me up in just half an hour. I rush to get my clothes on and Marni works her magic on my face again and I am all ready to go out. I hear a knock on the door. I race downstairs and give Marni a quick girl hug before I open the door to see Niall standing there. He holds out his arm again and I say goodbye to Marni.

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