Chapter Two

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Finally, I reach the jobcentre. I burst through the doors and go straight to the desk. I need a job. The lady at the desk gives me some jobs to look through. I search through them all, then I see one for a waitress at a new restaurant. I snatch it up and run outside to call them. We set up a day for the interview. I thank the lady and run all the way home to tell my mum and Marni. I can’t believe it.

*Next morning*

*Beep**Beep* 10am. I quickly switch my alarm off and rush around to get ready. In just 1 hour, I was going to be in an interview that could change my life. I scoff my breakfast down and dash out the door. I bounce down the street, smiling at everyone passing by. I finally reach the place that I am going. I look up at the building and my face drops. It is so posh. Now I am scared. What if I don’t get the job? Despite all my fears, I slowly walk through the doors and it is even posher on the inside. Someone in a suit, walks up to me.

“Hello, are you Ms Bennett?” says the man.

“Yeah, I am here for an interview.” I say nervously.

“Yes, we’ve been expecting you, this way madam” says the man.

I follow him into a small office with another finely dressed man sat behind a large wooden desk. The other man turns around and signals the man to leave and for me to take a seat. As soon as he starts talking, I feel much more comfortable, there is something about him that made me feel better.

“Hello, Ms Bennett, I’m glad you called, we really need a waitress.” he says, my face lights up and he carries on speaking.

“Do you have any qualifications...”

My smile starts to fade.

“... any experience...”

My smile disappears.

“... any skills?”

Oh dear, I don’t have any qualifications or experience and my only skills are cooking and playing my guitar.

I sheepishly reply “No I don’t, but I can learn.”

The look on his face made my stomach churn. He doesn’t look happy at all. He slowly picks up the phone and dials a number, while never taking his cold eyes off me. There is now something about his cold stare, that made me feel uneasy. After, what seems like forever, he puts the phone down and a smile spreads across his face.


“You’ve got the job!” he blurts out.

“What!” I shout. “How? I didn’t have any of the things that you wanted!”

“No, but you were willing to learn and we love that.” he says happily.

We shake hands and I turn to leave.

“Ms Bennett?” he says.

“Yes?” I reply.

“You start tomorrow, 9am” he says.

“Thank you” I say.

I slowly walk outside, still trying to digest everything that has just happened. I can’t believe I got the job. I am so excited. Tomorrow, I have a job. I suddenly snap out of it and I race home.

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