I need you (john)

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This morning you were woken up by John kissing you and saying he was going down to the studio to record some songs for the boys new album. You tried to go back to seep after this but couldn't so decided to get on with the day.

You started by picking a record to play as you cleaned the house. The boys hadn't long released help so you decided to play that one. As you cleaned the house you sang, danced and twirled your way around the front room.

When you had finally finished cleaning downstairs you decided to go to the kitchen and make your self some lunch. As you prepared your sandwich, you could hear someone fiddling with the door.

You looked through the peep hole to see if it was John. It wasn't. You started panicking as you realised someone was trying to break into your house.

The glass smashed. You screamed and slid down the front room wall onto the floor as 3 large men walked into the house.

"WHERE ARE YOU? I KNOW YOUR HOME!" One of the men called through your house as you sat there silently crying.

You knew it wouldn't take them long to find you. You were right, not long after he called out he found you in the front room.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" He asked crouching down to your level.

"Ple- please don't hurt me. I promise won't say anything" you stuttered backing yourself into a corner.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here to scare Lennon. But I see he isn't in so I'm gonna have to trash the house a bit." As the words were leaving his lips he swiped across the coffee table smashing all the pictures of you and John.

You could hear the other two men clattering around upstairs and the man sat and watched you. You sat there shaking not wanting to look up at him. Suddenly he spoke.

"You tell that Lennon of yours that he has no right to claim that he's bigger than Jesus!" He said raising his voice louder and louder throughout the sentence.

"I-i will. I promise" you whisper looking up at the man.

After a few more minutes of hearing your things being smashed they decided to leave. But you continued to sit the shaking in the corner. Finally you decided to walk up to the phone and call the studio.

The phone rang as you waited to get through to the receptionist. Finally her voice spoke into the phone.

"Hello, Abbey road studios. How can I help you?" She spoke into the phone

"Fri- Frida it's Y/N. Is John there?" You asked fiddling with the phone cord.

"Yeah. I'll put him on."


I was sat in the studio strumming on my guitar when Frida walked in.

"John, Y/N's on line 2 for you" she called through the doors.

"Thanks!" I replied putting down my guitar and headed over to the phone.

"Y/N love?" I said picking up the phone.

"J- john?" She asked in a shaky tone. I knew something wasn't right.

"John I need you" she cried into the phone.

"Okay I'm leaving now. I'll be home in a minute." I replied rushing to put on my coat and leave.

"John mate. You can't just leave!" Paul called and I ran towards the door

"Y/N needs me. I might be back, I'm not sure thought." I told him waving my hand behind me.

I jumped into my car and drove straight home. With every red light my mind rushed to what could be wrong. Finally when I made it home I hopped out of the car and jogged to the front door.

I stopped when I saw the glass had been smashed and the door left open. My heart dropped. Slowly I stepped into the house.

"Y/N!" I called out hoping she was alright.

Small sobs came from the front room so I followed them. Suddenly Y/N came into view. She was sat in the sofa with her knees pulled up to her chest crying. As I looked around I saw all the photos of us smashed on the floor. I ran to her wrapping my arms around her. She clung onto me crying harder as I stroked up and down her back.

"What happened? Are you hurt?"  I asked looking over her for any cuts.

"The- these three men broke in shouting for you. They were angry about the stuff you said about the Beatles being bigger than Jesus." She told me still crying.

"S**t" I cussed

I've really messed up

A.N: don't forget to vote. Thank you x

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