Chapter 8: The duel

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Ester's POV

The following weeks after I was let out of the hospital wing consisted of a very tight routine for me and my friends. Every day after classes would be spent searching for answers to what the next challenge would be and preparing for it. I shortly realized upon opening the egg's top that it produced an awful screeching sound that nearly deafened our ears. It sounded much like Andromeda's voice above land. Then I remembered how she told me about how her voice was different underwater. I had no idea if she was lying to me when she said this, but I decided to try it anyway. My theory worked, but only gave me a vague clue of what our next task would be. The only person I told about it was Snape. Not because I wanted to keep it from my other friends, but because I wanted to be the one to win, as selfish as that may sound. Plus, I knew Snape was able to keep a secret.

The rest of my time was spent with trying to learn how to dance for that god damned Yule Ball coming up soon. I was absolutely dreadful at dancing and I would usually just skip going, but I guess it was mandatory since I was a champion and had to set an example. I had to wear a freaking dress and bring a date and everything. It was completely ridiculous and the night before the ball, I still couldn't dance without stumbling or falling over like an idiot. I didn't have a gown either. Mostly because I hate shopping and would rather just stay home. The only thing I really did have for the dance was a date. Victor had asked me out the night after the ball was announced. I only said yes because I wasn't really interested in any guy right now and I didn't want to hurt his feelings by turning him down. I know, I'm soft that way.

"You're actually going with that idiot?" Snape had questioned when I told him.

I shrugged. "I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Also I'm not really interested in any guys right now so I told him we can only go as friends. Hey, do you know where I can get a dress?"

He shook his head. "No. You still haven't found one yet?"

"I hate dressing up. I might just go in my school robes or something." I said.

"You have to dress up. It's the rule." He reminded me.

I laughed a bit. "I don't imagine you'll be dressing up either."

Snape scowled. "I can do whatever I want. I'm a professor."

"Not whatever you want. You still have to follow some rules." I said.

He gave me a twisted smirk, his eyes flashing with amusement. "I have an idea. Let's make a bet."

I leaned forward in my seat curiously. "I'm listening."

"We both have to last the whole night wearing the fanciest outfit we can find." He explained. "Whoever loses has to wear their outfit the whole day to class after Christmas break."

I grinned at the thought of Snape wearing a suit or tuxedo.

"Make it a whole week and you're on." I said mischievously.

"Does that include the weekends?" Snape asked, raising an eye brow at me.

"Hell yeah it does." I exclaimed. "Oh, and we also both have to dance to at least one fast and slow song."

A flash of nervousness flashed in his obsidian eyes, causing me to laugh. "You mean, dance with someone?"

I thought about that one for a minute. "Yes. You have to ask someone. That's stupid to dance alone to a slow song."

We shook hands, sealing the bet. "Deal." He muttered begrudgingly.


Christmas Eve

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