Epilogue: Reunion

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Ester's POV

'My dearest Severus,

I can't believe it's been two years or so since I saw you last. And even though you keep saying it's okay, I'm still really guilty about not being able to visit yet. I miss you guys a lot. Are you doing okay? I hope so. You haven't written in a week or two. I know you must be busy with teaching, but I worry. How's Fred and George? Tell them I say congrats with graduating seventh year. I promise once I get the money, I'll catch a plane over to see you all and tell them in person too. And see you, of course. ;)

Speaking of money, I still haven't earned that much yet. No record labels or anything. Larkin still won't look at my stuff either. Whatever though. I'll keep trying. Right now to keep me afloat, I got a job as a waitress at Buffalo Wild Wings. It ain't much money, but it's enough for now.

I have to be honest with you too, Sev. Living in California isn't as fun as I thought it would be. I find myself thinking about Hogwarts a lot. It annoys me that I can't use my magic as much in to muggle world as well. My brother knows I'm a witch now, by the way. I finally fessed up. Yay! He thought I was a complete nutter at first, but I think he's getting out of his denial stage now that I'm using magic around the house. Now he just keeps asking me to do 'magic tricks' as he calls it. Ha! It always make me laugh when he says that.

Whoops. Getting off topic again. Sorry.

Anyway, I'm thinking I might give this whole music career one more year; then if it doesn't work out, i'm coming back to Hogwarts. I'm already getting tired of going through so many auditions and getting turned down every time. They keep saying I'm 'not what they're looking for.' Idiots. (I'm rolling my eyes right now as I write this, by the way)

Well anyway, I gotta cut this letter short. My stupid boss keeps nagging for me to get back to work. Also, Larkin and some of his friends will be picking me up to go to a beach party in a few minutes. There's gonna be live music played by some B-lister band and there's gonna be a movie and everything. I think it's Rocky Horror Picture Show. Woo!

Okay, I hope to see you soon and I love you.


P.S: are there any job openings at Hogwarts? Who took your place as potion master? I'm thinking of stealing that one since you already grabbed the D.A.D.A position.'

I slowly set down the pen on the table and took a deep breath, taking a minute to dab my bleary eyes. Putting on a smile all the time like this was getting hard. I hated it here. Nothing was going the way I expected it to. I was really only going to that party in a few minutes 'cause Larkin thought I needed to get out of the house and have some fun.

"Suck it up, Essy." I mumbled to myself, stepping out of the booth to head outside where I summoned my owl, Gerard. He was named after Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance.

Then I handed him the letter and he flapped away with it, headed off towards Hogwarts. I always wondered how they knew where to go. They were smart little creatures. That I knew.

"Ester," my boss suddenly sounded from behind me.

I turned to find him leaning in the doorway, looking very unamused that I took a break without permission. I was glad he didn't see me hand the owl my letter to Sev. That would have been awkward to explain.

"What?" I asked, sounding a bit snippier than I meant to be. Good thing the boss man couldn't see my face going red either.

"There's a guy inside. Says he needs to speak to you. Right now." He ordered, pointing a thumb to the open doorway.

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