Ch. 6 We were like the Three Musketeers, except we're the Dynamic Foursome.

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Ch. 6 We were like the Three Musketeers, except we’re the Dynamic Foursome.

(Aaron’s POV)

As I watched the girl that I love with my whole fucking being, I felt my heart break.

To a lot of people, as well as rival mafias and gangs, Rolland is a tough as brick, hot as hell and heart cold as ice bitch/mafia leader, who doesn’t care about what is right or wrong. I admit, Rolland is indeed like that, but that’s her ‘mafia leader bitch’ mode, as we like to call it.

When she’s not doing anything mafia related, she’s actually a really laid back, chilled out, sarcastic, fun and weird tomboyish chick, whom me, Mason and Tyler had been friends with since we’re still in our mom’s fucking wombs.

We knew each other like the back of our hands.

We helped each other out in tests, prank the teachers together, beat people up together, partied together, and basically did a lot of meaningless shit together. We were the ultimate popular quadruple back in our old schools (we’ve been to many schools before, trust me). Hell, we even transferred to Wesley Academy together!

And our motto was, and still is, ‘fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us’.

Thinking back at the stupid shits we did, we really were like the Three Musketeers, except we’re the Dynamic Foursome.

That actually sounded dirty, or was it just me?

After the masked dickhead dragged away Rolland – my Ro – we, as in Mason, Tyler and me were knocked unconscious. When we woke up we were in the Janitor’s closet.

Trust me when I say by the time the three of us badass, sexy and utterly charming guys came out it was extremely awkward.

As in fucking – kill – me awkward.

Think about it this way: The Janitor’s closet was used by teens to fuck each other – literally – or make out in. Three of us guys came out of there during break. The fact that our hair and clothes were messed up didn’t help the situation as well.

See what I mean?

The complete student – freaking – body were looking at us like we had two heads. Actually, we guys do have two heads.

I’m a guy, it’s very normal for us to think things sexually.

Anyway, when we came out, we had to scare them off and declare that we’re straight. And let me tell you that there were a lot of guys’ faces dropped (due to that fact that they won’t be getting laid any time soon) like a fucking bomb.

So, the three of us were back in business and complimenting sluts, in which we were payed back in blow jobs.

Even though I’m in love with Ro, that doesn’t mean I won’t screw anything that have boobs and a vagina. Until Ro and I are a couple that is.

Mason gave me a hard smack on my back.

‘Honestly dude, you had 3 fucking years to tell her you love her, and you did it when she’s being abducted, and unconscious. Seriously, how much more pathetic can you be?’

I glared at him, but he didn’t notice as he’s checking out some chick with an ass the size of Alabama. ‘Look, I know I fucked it up pretty badly –‘Tyler gave me a disbelieving look ‘Alright! Extremely badly! But can you blame me?!’

‘Yes we can.’ Tyler retorted, a smug smirk on his shit face.

I glared knives at him. ‘The last  guys who told her they like her more than a friend and tried to ask her out on a date, ended up getting kicked in the balls or beaten the shit out of!’

‘That’s Rolland for you. Hot as hell but dangerous as fuck.’ Mason said casually, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

‘Very true, brother.’ Tyler said in a ‘posh’ voice, wrapping his arm around Mason’s shoulder.

‘Still a stupid move though Aaron,’ Tyler said. ‘Maybe she wouldn’t have kicked you if you tell her how you feel BEFORE she was kidnapped. Maybe, she’d give you a chance.’

I groaned in frustration, running my hand through my hair. ‘It’s not like I could just walk right up to her and say “hey Ro! I’ve been in love with you for a really long time, so are you free on Friday?” She’d kick me in the balls, THEN skin me alive!’

Mase huffed. ‘Well now you missed the opportunity to even take her out considering the fucking fact that, oh, I don’t know, SHE’S BEING FUCKING KIDNAPPED!?’ He shouted the last part.

And thanks to him shouting, we got the whole freaking world looking at us. Especially the females, who were looking at us like we’re food.

‘Like what you see, ladies?’ I asked, smirking.

I saw a few of them nodding their heads, as well as a ‘Hell yeah!’ being shouted by one of them.

Then I caught a few of the males glaring at us.

‘Whatcha looking at?’ Mase asked annoyed. ‘Fuck off!’

Like the dimwits they are, they walked hurriedly away. Like rats.

‘Back to the topic,’ said Tyler after a while, ‘so, how in the hell are we going to get Ro back?’

‘Well, how about a plan?’ Mase asked sarcastically.

Tyler punched Mason’s arm. ‘I know that idiot, but what should we do? I mean, we don’t know where she’s being taken to, taken by who, and what they’ll do to her, so how can we find her?’ Tyler said, counting off the things we don’t know on his fingers.

‘Does she have a tracking device on her?’ I asked.

‘Nope,’ Mase said, ‘said she know how to handle herself, so she didn’t bother with it.’

‘Then why don’t we just look at our rivals’ “headquarters”?’ Tyler suggested, air quoting “headquarters”.

‘Not a bad idea, actually.’ Mase said, putting on his ‘thinking face’, which just looks retarded to me. ‘Let’s send some peeps out.’

‘Yeah, and when we get her back, we’ve got to help Aaron out.’ Tyler added.

‘Help me out with what?’

‘Help you to tell her you love her, duh.’ Mason said in a gay voice, then flipping his non-existing long hair back. ‘It would be, like, soooo romantic!’ He later added in a high-pitched voice, squealing like a brainless whore.

I shook my head, fucking hell! I’ve been shaking my head a lot today.

‘You are unbelievable.’

‘No, I’m Mason.’ He retorted, slinging his arm over my shoulder. ‘Now let’s get started!’ He said in a high-pitched voice.


 A/N: First guy’s POV! Whatcha think?

Remember to VOMMIT! Wait. What? I mean VOMMENT!

Until then, goodbye, my fellow spies  <3

 PS: pic of the boys on the right --------------->

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