Ch. 8 Never knew nerds could be so scary

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Ch. 8 Never knew nerds could be so scary

(Mia’s POV)

‘We’re here,’ Damon said, right as the van pulled to a stop in front of a really old – no, ancient – pair of dark grey metal gates, that loomed over us in an extremely intimidating way.

‘Are you kidding me? After two whole freaking hours, this crap is where we’ll be staying at?!’ Chasity exclaimed, her hands flying up in an unbelievable fashion.

‘Well, it’s not…that…bad.’ Kelsy said. ‘Oh who am I kidding here?! It’s super creepy, the way it looks!’

‘Relax girls,’ Damon assured us. Not doing a very good job there, Damon. ‘You’ll soon see where you’ll be staying at.’

Damon then clicked a button on his watch, and the scary looking gates opened.

He started to lead us across an equally terrifying looking meadow, where there were dead trees and bushes, a few old-looking statues of angels weeping with moss on some parts.

It seriously looks like an abandoned cemetery without the tombstones.

As we continue to walk across the meadow of Death, we came across a mansion that looked like it’ll crumble down anytime soon. Then Damon started to go in the direction of the forest a few miles left of the mansion.

‘Uh, Damon?’ called Chasity. ‘Are you sure that we should go in there?’ she pointed at the forest.

Damon smirked. ‘If we don’t go in there, we won’t arrive at the academy.’ Then he shrugged. ‘Honestly, it’s up to you if you want to go to the academy, through this forest, or,’ he paused for a minute, ‘stay here and get eaten by wild animals.’

I saw the other girls looking at each other, before saying ‘we’ll go’ to Damon. I looked over at where Rolland was, and saw one of Damon’s men carrying her, and her, still knocked out.

Wow, that must’ve been some pretty strong drug.

I checked my watch. 20 minutes have passed, and we’re still in the forest.

‘How much longer?’ Chelsie whined for the fifth time.

‘We’re almost there Chelsie,’ Damon said for the fifth time.

‘But you said that ages ago!’ Kelsy complained, thankfully, for the first time.

‘You sure we’re not lost?’ Chasity questioned, though it sounded more like a statement.

‘Trust me girls. I know where we’re going.’ Damon said rather cockily.

Another 10 minutes passed and – you’ve guessed it – we’re still in the god-forbidden forest.

Chelsie and Kelsy had both whined at least a good 18 times, while Chasity started swearing at absolutely everything like a drunken man that had gone through a really rough day. Through all this, Rolland was still sound asleep.

‘Fuck this forest!’ exclaimed Chasity. ‘Why isn’t there a goddamn path in here, if people are clearly going to walk through this shit!?’

‘Be patient, Chasity,’ said Damon, his voice slightly irritated.

‘How can we be patient when we’ve been walking for one fucking hour!?’ shouted Chasity. A few birds flew above us as she shouted.

And I thought this place was deserted. Aside from the plants, that is.

‘It’s actually 30 minutes,’ I stated quietly.

Chasity turned to look at me with rage filled eyes. ‘I don’t give a fuck bout the exact time! All I know is we’ve been walking for a fucking long time!’

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