Ch. 10 And I don't plan on turning those frowns upside-down either

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Ch. 10 And I don’t plan on turning those frowns upside-down either

(Rolland’s POV)

As soon as we stepped into the freakishly long and big (it sounds as if I'm talking bout a guy’s penis) room, my hands were immediately freed.

‘Welcome to the academy, girls.’ A professional yet cheery female voice called.

Huh, I thought we were alone.

Then I looked over – well, we all did – at where the voice came from, and saw a group of five. 3 males and 2 females. They’re all blondes and were wearing black masks that only reveal their eyes. Which were a cerulean blue.

‘Are ya'll related?’ Chase asked with her brows knitted.

A light, almost wind chime like laughter came from the other female, shorter than the first one that had spoken.

‘No, Chasity,’ replied the child-like voice, ‘we are not related. We just so happened to have the exact same shade of hair color and eye color.’

‘Damon,’ a deep male voice – which came from the buffest of the 3 males – called, just as Damon raised his head. ‘You may go.’

He nodded once in silence before motioning his henchmen to follow him out the door with the flick of his wrist, leaving us with the blondes.

That moment he actually reminded of some of the head cheerleaders back at school with their minions, flicking their wrists and the rest just follows.

‘You may have heard about us on your way here,’ said another male voice soon after Damon had left. This one has a lean but still muscular build, and is just slightly taller than the previous one with a huskier voice.

‘You’re the High Ranks.’ Stated Mia just as I spotted a row of bows and arrows neatly placed on some metal bars on the wall.

‘The ones who decided that kidnapping us would be the best way to get us.’ The straight haired brunette added dryly as I crept over to the bows. They were black on the shaft and red on the head and fletching.

‘And stupid enough to put a fucking thief and a gang –‘ Chasity started but I cut her off, finally in front of the bars of arrows.

‘I’m a mafia leader, not a gang leader. That just insults me.’ I corrected, as I simultaneously grabbed a pair of the weapon. ‘We’ve developed into a mafia 3 years ago when I was 15, the year that my –‘ I stopped myself. I can't let them know the reason behind me being who I am today is. The haunting past of mine that only Aaron, Mason and Tyler knew of. A past that I’ve buried deep into the back of my mind.

That fucking memory that I wish I can delete if my head was a computer.

‘The year that your what?’ pressed Chelsie, completely oblivious the change in my tone.

I turned around, bow raised and the arrow in aim, facing them with a blank face that I’ve mastered over the years.

‘The year that my everything is none of your fucking business,’ I said emotionlessly, aiming at the bullseye right behind Chelsie’s head, and released the string.

The arrow went right between the blondes, grazed over Chelsie’s hair, right into the center of the bullseye, scaring the absolute shit out of Chelsie as she screamed like a 2 year-old having a nightmare.

‘Why on earth did you do that?!’ screeched Mia, eyes wide and rushed over to a crouching Chelsie, rubbing her back gently to sooth her.

I shrugged carelessly, not missing the approving smirk from Chase and the three glares I got from Mia, Chelsie and the other brunette. ‘She annoyed me.’

Then a silence the size of Russia fell into the room.

‘Very good aim Rolland,’ praised the third male, speaking in an extremely velvety voice. He’s the tallest out of the trio.

My eyes swept over the other blondes only to receive approving smiles from the males whereas the females were frowning.

And I don’t plan on turning those frowns upside-down either.

‘Well then,’ said the first female, clapping her hands together, ‘I reckon we should start explaining everything to you in detail.’ She paused.

‘Well then what the hell are you waiting for? We ain’t got all day,’ Chase replied sharply.

The female just pressed her lips together.

‘First off, welcome to Spy Academy – or better known as Yorkshire Academy for the Talented to the outside world – the place where top secret “assignments” start and the place that all the best assassins, spies and agents come from. The place you girls will be staying at until the day you die.’ The first woman (aka Bitchy) stopped.

My face was in disbelief, and a whirlwind of gasps could be heard from the other girls.

‘Or when you get located to a different place.’

 This time all of us let out a breath of air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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