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AMELIE BROWNE never could've pictured herself participating in a sidemen sunday video or any sort of well known youtubers video for that fact . well here she was , on her way to go on a date with harry lewis for views ofcourse , you see . amelie is a very known influencer around the instagram community , she never considered herself to be one of them people as it made her cringe deep down and honestly just thought of her self as a normal person , but many others thought different .

many others including jj and ethan , two other very well known men from around the same sort of community as amelie was known from , this came to the reason as to why the two thought it be great to get the girl on and really get the viewers pumping .

at first , she wasn't even going to consider participating in this especially since it would apparently be good for the views , she honestly wasn't into this kind of stuff and the fact she barely knew harry made it 10 times worse . she was a awkward person when it came to this type of stuff , she was one of them type of people who act shy and awkward once you first meet them and then once you spend a slight bit of more time together , its a complete new person , in a good way of course .

JJ had known amelie for quite some time , they had been on many different podcasts together , events and just some other stuff that suddenly made them become quite good friends , hell even best friends at this point . he knew exactly how she was and he explained to her that harry and her are the exact same it wasn't even funny , awkward and shy at the beginning and a whole new person by the end , this is why he thought they supposedly would click so well ? amelie was having none of it .

that was until , she came to the realization she needed to get out of her comfort zone way more , sure this wasn't her style of things but she could make good things out of this possibly ? she did a little bit of stalking towards harry just so she knew exactly what she would be up against and she honestly couldn't disagree that he was quite fit .

after a lot of reconsideration she finally gave in and put herself up to the task , she prayed that JJ was right about herself and harry having the same personality's or else this could be possibly one of the worst or best experiences on her life time , little did she know what she was getting herself into .

right as this second , amelie was now stepping foot inside the building , her first sites being a fairly good amount of girls all sat either doing makeup , fixing there hair , outfits etc , " man you guys are really taking this sierously " she mumbled under her breath whilst still observing the room , honestly she was really regretting her decision by this moment but she kept high hopes .

she took a seat next to a brunette girl who didn't seem to care as much as the others , thank god someone here doesn't seem to care as much as me was her initial thoughts .
" oh hi , your amelie browne right " the girl questioned as she put down her phone to talk , she seemed super confident in herself as she had a wide smile spread across her face .

𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝙻𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚅𝙴 , harry lewisWhere stories live. Discover now