ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3

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— ☽˚⁀➷。˚💍 𝘛𝘏𝘙𝘌𝘌

THIS MORNING HAD BEEN HECTIC , for amelie , she had a meeting with her manager just for sorts of things such as , boosting views , staying on track and many stuff that amelie didn't feel was necessary to talk about , but she just went along with it .

after that session that amelie couldn't have been more relieved to have left , she finally was able to catch up with her mum , charlotte browne . she looked up to her mother quite alot , being able to raise three kids whilst working part time for them wasn't a easy thing to do , part reason as to why amelie loved her so much .

of course though , the main thing that she had been most excited to do all day was going over to JJ and simons flat , a few nerves came to herself just at the thought of having to socialize with some people she had never once talked to before but eased at the thought of getting to see harry again .

and then before she knew it , she was sat on KSI ' s couch giggling at freezy ' s awful impression of what he supposedly thought most people from birmingham sounded like , the awful attempt sounded like scottish people , which was the funniest thing about it to the people in the room . amelie had only arrived on roughly 30 minutes ago but she had already became familiar with everyone who currently sat in the same place as her .

AFTER played on the television that sat in front of the group  but no one seemed to be paying any attention to it what so ever , a few minutes later most of the boys left to go into the kitchen and pour afew shots for everyone , thank the lord .

" sooooo you and harry I've heard ? " talia started up with a wide grin on her face , of course she had to bring up harry , amelie understood it though in a way , it was a way of an ice breaker so she'd let this one slide .

amelie gave her a look of death but soon giggled just to let talia know she was only taking the piss , " no not me and harry "

freya and talia just gave her a look of " hm " whilst amelie rolled her eyes at them , suddenly all eyes flew to the door whilst speaking of the devil himself , trotted in the door , a look of shock overtook him for a split second it seemed , of course amelie was over the moon to be seeing the boy that she's nearly sure she fell in love with at first sight once again but , the feline that hopped up on the couch right up beside amelie herself , was what her eyes were fixated  on .

" oh em gee oh em gee hello buddy ! now who is this little cutie ? " the blonde girl cooed as she continued to talk to the dog as if it was a a child of her own , " o- oh that's birdie , my dog " harry replied quite awkwardly as he sat down next to the girl and the dog , deciding to give him attention also , by rubbing the feline back and fourth .

" aren't you the cutest thing , oh yes you are oh yes you are " amelie continued to treat the dog as an angel , whilst it started to drift off to sleep peacefully as half its body laid on harrys lap and the other parts on amelies legs , the two just looked at birdie in absolute awe . " i never knew you were coming over " harry started off whilst laying his head back on the pillow directly beside amelie .

𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝙻𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚅𝙴 , harry lewisWhere stories live. Discover now