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—— US

AMELIE WAS NOW SAT AT HARRYS DESK , doing her makeup on the only empty desk in his room that had random bits and pieces scattered all over it . today was the day of JJ's house party that harry had invited amelie to the last day . she had been in london city all morning long , so she had decided to cause the boy less hassle and just arrive on while she was close . amelie had brought the essentials such as a curling wand , her outfit , makeup and of course her favorite perfume , tommy girl  .

a natural sun kissed glow shined from the girl , due to the fake tan that she had applied the night before . it always seemed to make the girl more confident even if it was just the slightest bit that shimmered from her . the girl decided to go for a natural look but still be able to get that wow factor from it , which she loved .

" escapism " by RAYE played on harrys speaker which she had found underneath his desk after a lot of searching , amelie hummed along to it as it came to the her favorite , most catchy part , the chorus of course . " i don't trust any of these bitches im with in the back of the taxi sniffing cocaine- " the girl sang out whilst applying blush , not expecting a certain someone to come up and scare her any minute now .

amelie decided to not waste time , so she skipped over to harrys bathroom that was connected to his room and plugged in her curling wand , letting it heat up for awhile . whilst she let the wand do it's thing , she rushed back over to the desk where everything was scattered out , not even noticing harry and birdie on the bed opposite to her .

" fucking hell harry " amelie shouted out of fear , now taking her hand and putting it over her heart , just to make it seem more dramatic than it was .

a loud laugh came from harry from the girls reaction , a laugh that she didn't hear too often . birdies eyes jolted up to harry , looking up at the boy as her ears shot up , whilst tilting her fragile head to the side in confusion until she decided to give up and just fall asleep on top of harrys pillow . " i didn't mean to scare you dipshit he laughed , now shifting towards the edge of the bed to be closer to amelie .

" well you did " she giggled , now applying winged lashes to her eyelids , which made a drastic difference to the whole look , which she loved . amelie had planned her outfit a few days prior to the party as she knew exactly what she was like , last minute dot com . she always seemed to completely forget about the outfit part of things , which she never understood why as she loved picking out outfits , quite frankly , it was her favorite part of even going out .

" sooo  are you excited for tonight ? " amelie questioned the boy with a wide grin on her face , as she once again got up to go grab her curling wand from the bathroom to finally start on her hair .

" ofcourse i am , i mean i get to spend the whole night with my favorite people , drink and listen to some mad tunes , there is literally no down sides to any of that " harry ranted on as he just observed what amelie done in front of him , which was currently her in the middle of struggling to get the wand to go to the back of her hair without scalding herself .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝙻𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚅𝙴 , harry lewisWhere stories live. Discover now