The Day I died! / Reborn as A Saiyan!

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Your Name is Y/n L/n, and you are An Autistic 17-Year-old Man who Just Bought The newest VR Game for your Headset! To Be Honest you had always wished that you could be in Anime VR MMORPG And meet all of these nice people!

You were currently walking right down the street, as you had the new game on Hand!

Y/n: Woohoo! I finally got the newest and Bestest Game right now! I want to be A Brawler with Magic! Or something like that? I have to check that out when I Log in

Just then You Noticed A Truck was coming right for you, and you were right in its Path!

Y/n: Oh Shit... OH SHIT!

You were then hit head on and there was not A Trace left!

Meanwhile in the After Life...

A Goddess was keeping up A Talley of those who had died, and she had noticed You.

Eris: Huh? Poor things, he died so soon and So Suddenly. He defiently deserves this

 He defiently deserves this

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She then teleported you in as you kept screaming.


Eris: Y/n


Eris: Y/n?


Eris: Y/N!

Y/n: Huh? Eris... from... Konosuba? Oh, I Get it this is Just a Dream! Alright you can wake me up now

Eris then bonked you over the head with her Staff.

Y/n: OW! That- That's Hurts? But that could mean- Oh God this isn't A Dream

Eris: Yep

Y/n: W-Wait, how are you here? Your A Fictional character!

Eris: Well, That's not true, but if I were to explain to you how this works then your Brain would explode into A Trillion Little pieces

Y/n: Okay

Eris: Look I had seen your death and I would like to give you A Reincarnation

Y/n: Really!?

Eris: Yes and you can get one free wish and it can be anything you want, Just think

Y/n: Really? Anything? Hmmm... Need time to think

You were still thinking as Eris had fallen asleep and finally decided to speak up.

Eris: Huh? Okay Y/n, is there anything you would want right now what would it be?

Y/n: Um.... More time to think!

Eris: No think Harder, Deeper!

Y/n: Well, I would want to Invincible so I can't get Hurt, and I want to be super strong so I could Obliterate my enemies, and I want to Protect everyone Like my Heroes, Like... Goku. I Know what I want!

Eris: Okay tell me

Y/n: I want to be A Saiyan!

Eris: Hmm, Yeah, I'll give that to you for Free

Y/n: Really? You Mean I Get two wishes? Why?

Eris: Eh, Because you're really cute

Y/n: What?

Eris: Nothing! Nothing!

Y/n: Um, Okay?

Eris: Okay so You're going to be A Saiyan on an amazing Fantasy adventure!

Y/n: Wait, what about my Second Wish?

Eris: Don't worry You'll see

She then snapped her fingers and then your teleported to this Fantasy world, and she smiled A Little remembering your surprised Face.

Eris: Cute Guy, might need to Look him Up Later. Though I wonder what is up with his Mannerisms. I've never had A Human act Like that before with all of that Fidgeting and Not Looking me in the eyes. I'm gonna Look that up too Maybe it'll be something Important

She then went back to do some Paperwork making sure to Look up A Few things about you so you can be Fine in this Brand-new world.

A Saiyan in an Isekai!Where stories live. Discover now