Some Powerful Upgrades! (Part 1)

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The quest to Become Stronger continued as soon everyone went off to do their own thing! Maple and Kasumi had gone out to collect Some Wool from Little sheep Like Monsters, Kanade had gone out to solve A Puzzle, Korumo went out with Syrup to explore, and Sally was Training with Yui and Mai to dodge and use their new weapons.

Meanwhile, with you, you were going out to help People.

Y/n: Okay Quests, Quests, Quests... Hmmm... God damn it, how can I find people to help?

You then began to walk into An Alleyway where you soon Heard some sick Coughing, and you took Notice. You walked over and saw A Young Mother trying to take care of A Sick daughter.

Y/n: Poor Girl

The Woman then Noticed you and approached you.

Woman: Sir, you are A Knight correct?

Y/n: Um... I suppose so. How can I Help?

Woman: Sir You Must help my daughter, she is sick, and We have no Medicine, you have to help, please!

Y/n: Uh... (Thoughts) Play It cool Y/n, just don't freak out. This is Just a Simple quest (Out of thoughts) Sure, I Guess

Woman: Thank you!

You then looked at the little girl who was having coughing fits in her sleep as you read her stats and you were horrified.

Y/n: (Thoughts) W-What!? She has Liver Cancer, The Flu, and Is starving! Holy shit! I know my Normal Healing won't Usually fix it, so I have to search for some medicines (Out of thought) Ma'am Do you know where I can find some Medicine?

Woman: Well, there is Said to be A Bottle of Medicine that can cure any Disease Made by A Shaman North of here, but it is Guarded by The Undead

Y/n: Hmm, I think this is A Good Opportunity for some EXP. Alright, I'll do it!

Woman: Oh, Thank you Kind Sir! Thank you!

A Little bit Later...

You were both Now walking through A Forest north of the city as soon you were pretty much trying to protect the woman who insisted on coming and soon You Noticed A Grave.

Y/n: Hm? Here Lies, The Shaman, He was Number One. Will I Defile A Grave to save A Little girl? Of course, I will!

You then began to dig the Grave Open and soon You saw A Skeleton in A Coffin and there was A Bottle filled with A Red Liquid.

Y/n: Ooo, That's the Money Baby

You then removed the Bottle from its Grasp, and another appeared in its Place.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Game Mechanics I Guess

You then began to walk off when The Woman screamed.


Y/n: What is it- Holy Crap!

The Shaman had risen from his Grave as he turned to you. annoyed.

Shaman: Hey Man that's not Nice, give it back

Y/n: It's to save A Little girl man, Have A Heart

Shaman: If you don't give it Back, I'll have to take it back by force

Y/n: Yeah? You and what army?


Y/n: Huh!?

You were now surrounded by A Bunch of Skeletons, Zombies, Wraiths, Ghosts, and other Undead Monsters!

Shaman: Just the Army of the Undead

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