The Investigation!

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Kazuma, Megumin, and Darkness had made their way to the fight of The Nobles Mansion being destroyed Just like Sena said and all that was left was nothing more than Chard remains, and A Black shadow marked onto the ground as if A Nuke went off.

Megumin was Jealous.

Megumin: Aw, Man! Y/n can Create bigger explosions than I ever!


Megumin: Oh right, sorry

Darkness: (Thoughts) Should I tell them of my Heritage? Maybe It could help. I know of this rich people stuff anyway (Out of thoughts) Hey Guys. What if the Noble burned it down for the money?

Kazuma: That's actually pretty smart, but two Problems. 1. We don't why and 2. This explosion is greater than anything we had ever seen.

Megumin: Why am I chopped Liver?

Kazuma: Sorry Megumin. What's this?

Kazuma then Looked at A Tree and there was something embedded into it. He Pulled it out to see what Looks like A Ring with A Red Gem, and it has the Markings of D.G On it.

Kazuma: D.G? What could D.G Stand for?

Megumin: Maybe it means Dark Magician?

Kazuma: Megumin don't be stupid. (Thoughts) Shit that's A Good theory.

Darkness: D.G? Could it Mean... Demon General?

Kazuma: Wait, are you saying the Noble might be in League with the demon General?

Darkness: It's Possible. Some Rich Nobles of more questionable Pasts had once allied themselves with the demon King for either Protection of assets or to sabotage competition. It's A Dog-eat-dog world.

Kazuma: Wow, no Perverseness. That's the most Useful you've ever been.

Darkness: I'm trying to control myself for Y/n! He needs us!

Kazuma: God I wish that was all of the time...

Megumin: Then... Who is this demon General?

Just then the Ring Began to Telekinetically Lift into the Air and then it flew over until it A Hand Grabbed it, and the Hand was attached to the arm of A Short Figure who wore A Hood and Mask Hiding his True Identity.

Just then the Ring Began to Telekinetically Lift into the Air and then it flew over until it A Hand Grabbed it, and the Hand was attached to the arm of A Short Figure who wore A Hood and Mask Hiding his True Identity

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???: Hmph, I Guess you were close to figuring out the Mystery, but you will never save your Friend. The Demon King has special plans for him

Kazuma: Who are you!?

???: Wouldn't you Like to know?

Megumin: That's It! Explosion!!

She then Blew up the masked Figure as A Giant Almost Nuke sized explosion Happened and Kazuma checked on Megumin.

Kazuma: Megumin are you Okay!?

Megumin: Yeah... Is he dead...?

Darkness only Paled as she saw what Happened to him.

Darkness: N-Not even close...

The Figure Just Floated above the Crater Megumin Created with not even A single scratch on him.

Kazuma: H-How Did you survive that?

???: You Merely Adapted to the ways of A Destroyer, I was Born in it

Megumin: Chunnuboyin...

???: Potato-pOtAto. Only I can Master some. Destruction

Kazuma: So, You're the one who Blew up the Mansion!

???: Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't. You have nothing to Prove.

He then flew off!

Kazuma: Okay this Maniac is as strong as Y/n, and we have no evidence Now. Y/n is Screwed.

Darkness: No! We never say Never! That is Not the way Y/n would ever think! He would constantly Push through all Obstacles and find A Way to win!

Kazuma: Yeah, You're right! The Trial is Up so Let's get going!

Megumin: You Might want to carry me... I'm too Tired to Move...

Kazuma: God Damnit Megumin...

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