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••After learning that the other Batch members survived the destruction of Tipoca City, Admiral Rampart confronts Crosshair about his lie.

"You bastard."

Crosshair doesn't flinch when Rampart slaps him. His expression bears nothing more than the pinched, grim resolve of a soldier who is unwilling to give what is wanted. With no witnesses or cameras watching their every move, he knows that anything can happen in here.

He isn't safe, but neither is Rampart—and the admiral seems to know it.

"You lied." Rampart's voice quivers with anger. "You lied and made me look like a fool in front of Tarkin."

"I did no such thing." Crosshair answers, holding back the smirk that twitched at the corner of his lips.

Rampart backhands him so hard that he stumbles.

"After everything that has happened, you're still covering for them. Why?" He demands. "They left you for dead and made no effort to rescue you, why are you still covering for them?!"

Crosshair eyes him venomously as he rubs his jaw. "It is my duty." He answers, plain and simple without hesitation.

"Your duty is to serve this Empire—the Empire that gave you purpose!" Rampart points an accusing finger at Crosshair. "Not some group of... fugitives who hide like cowards."

In the blink of an eye, Crosshair closes the distance between them and seizes Rampart by the throat. He brings him within inches of his face, his narrowed eyes staring into his very soul.

"Those fugitives are my brothers." He seethes, though his expression remains eerily cold. His hand tightens around the admiral's throat and he revels in the sounds of his struggle. "And they do not hide behind an army for security, unlike you."

"You still care for them." Rampart wheezes, laughing despite the pressure on his throat. "Unbelievable."

Crosshair's expression never changes, but in a moment of slight hesitation, his grip on Rampart's neck loosens—exactly what the admiral was waiting for.

Rampart kicks Crosshair's knee backwards and twists away from him, simultaneously pulling a hidden dagger from his uniform pocket. As he lunges, Crosshair moves to intercept before he can bring the dagger down, snatching his wrist and holding it.

"You want to know one of your flaws?" Crosshair asks, excitement rushing through him upon seeing the fear in Rampart's eyes. "You're predictable."

There's no time for Rampart to react as Crosshair twists the dagger out of his hand. Seconds later, the dagger is embedded up to the hilt in his shoulder, a crimson stain already beginning to seep through his grey uniform. Rampart howls in pain and stumbles away, clutching his shoulder.

"You're... Y-You're insane!" He shouts.

Crosshair allows a small smirk to show as he turns away. "You should have considered that before choosing a member of a defective squad, sir." He sneers, spitting on the floor at Rampart's feet before leaving the room.

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