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Season 2 AU
Crosshair and Wrecker
••Wrecker and Crosshair rekindle their brotherly bond.

"He's in here, quick!"

Wrecker shouldered his way past Hunter in order to reach Crosshair. His heart leapt into his throat upon seeing his brother in such a state. It had been so long, he was almost afraid to even touch him.

"Tell me how to get him outta there, Tech." Wrecker said, his voice quivering. He was anxious to free Crosshair and take him far away from this place.

Tech ran a quick scan. "He does not appear to be hooked up to anything, so you may simply tear off his restraints. I believe he has been drugged, though." He explained.

"Pick up the pace, fellas." Hunter warned from his position by the door. "We're gonna have company if we don't get moving."

Wrecker was scarcely listening, too focused on ripping off the restraints around Crosshair's wrists. Then, he carefully pulled away the strap that held down Crosshair's head and felt his forehead.

"He's burning hot. That's bad, isn't it?" He asked, glancing at Tech over his shoulder.

"It could be a side effect of the drug, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was also caused by his poor health and high stress levels." Tech replied.

Wrecker whipped his head back around when he heard a groan. He slipped Crosshair's hand into his own and gently squeezed, though he didn't expect him to react by trying to struggle.

"Hey, shhh. Cross, it's me." He tried to soothe, placing his free hand on Crosshair's shoulder. "Those doctors aren't gonna hurt you anymore. I promise."

Crosshair forced his eyes open and squinted, his vision blurry and unfocused. "...Wrecker?" He mumbled. Was he dreaming?

Wrecker took a deep breath and fought back tears. "Yeah, Cross. It's me. I'm gonna get you outta here, don't worry."

"Wrecker, we need to go!" Echo urged, standing near Hunter with his blaster primed.

"Okay, just relax. I've got ya." Wrecker murmured as he quickly slipped his arms under Crosshair's body and lifted him so that he laid against his chest.

It felt surreal to have Crosshair back in his arms. Crosshair had only allowed him to carry him like this one other time, and he remembered it as if it happened yesterday. They were cadets at the time and Crosshair had fallen ill with some sort of virus. He'd been too weak to leave the barracks, so Wrecker stayed with him. Eventually, the Kaminoans came to take him to the infirmary, but Crosshair hated them, so Wrecker carried his little brother all the way to the infirmary and never left his side.

Now Crosshair was much bigger than he was as a cadet, but he still felt small and frail in Wrecker's arms like he had all those rotations ago.

"Alright, Cross. Try and stay awake. We'll be back at the Marauder in no time." Wrecker told Crosshair, though he was also trying to settle his own nerves.

He couldn't let them take his little brother again—he wouldn't.

Hours after the Batch had boarded the Marauder and escaped into deep space, Wrecker remained by Crosshair's bedside. He watched Tech run test after test, anxiously awaiting the results and letting out a sigh of relief each time they came back alright. Tech explained that Crosshair was moderately malnourished and in desperate need of rest in order to work the drugs out of his system. It would be a while before he woke up, but Wrecker was willing to wait as long as it took.

Somewhere along the line—after staying awake for hours on end—Wrecker drifted into a restless slumber. He sat on the floor with his back against Crosshair's bed, his head on the mattress and his hands in his lap.

However, the second he felt movement, his eyes shot open and he quickly got onto his knees next to the bed.

"Cross?" He called softly, studying Crosshair's face for any sign that he was awake.

Crosshair stirred and slowly opened his eyes, though he didn't seem very aware of where he was. When he looked at Wrecker, it finally dawned on him that he was home. It wasn't a dream. He was home.

Tears began to well up in his eyes despite his best efforts to keep them at bay. He turned his head and covered his face in an attempt to hide his weakness.

"Oh Cross..." Wrecker began to weep with him, unable to contain himself any longer. He wrapped his arms around Crosshair and pulled him close.

"Nooo.." Crosshair tried to growl, though it sounded more like a whimper, as he weakly attempted to push Wrecker away. "Why are you crying, you idiot..?"

"Because I'm so.. h-happy." Wrecker replied with a sniff. He buried his face in Crosshair's shoulder. "I really thought we lost you. M-My little brother..."

The embarrassment was almost too much for Crosshair, but he'd never admit that he needed to be held and comforted. Wrecker had always been the emotional type—especially around him—and while he rarely expressed it, he loved Wrecker as much as Wrecker loved him.

Crosshair gave up the struggle and allowed himself to sink into Wrecker's embrace, fully relaxing for the first time in months. He allowed himself to cry too—something he hadn't done since Mayday's death. The walls came crumbling down and he was vulnerable again, but this time in the presence of his loving brother. He clung to him for dear life, praying he'd never have to let go.

"I missed you... all of you... so much.." He murmured between soft sobs, his tears staining the front of Wrecker's blacks.

Wrecker held him closer, gently rubbing his back. "We missed you too..."

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