Little Batch

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Little Batch AU!
Omega is the adult and the Batch are the equivalent of 9-10 year olds. Echo is there too because lord knows she's gonna need the help.
••Omega and Echo resolve an issue aboard the Havoc Marauder.

It didn't take much to get Omega and Echo on their feet. Someone was crying, and that usually meant trouble.

They raced into the Batch's room and assessed the situation. Tech was curled up in the corner crying, Hunter was fist-fighting Crosshair, and Wrecker was trying to pry them apart. Whatever had transpired could certainly be resolved. Everyone just needed to calm down.

There was a silent agreement between both older clones that Echo would take Tech while Omega handled Hunter and Crosshair.

"Aw, Tech, what's the matter?" Echo spoke gently as he knelt down in front of Tech. "Are y'hurt?"

Tech shook his head with a sniffle. He pushed his glasses up and rubbed his eye with his knuckles.

"Well, what's got you so worked up?"

"I don't like it when Crosshair and Hunter fight." He muttered, hugging his tablet close to his chest. "I was talking too much again and Crosshair got annoyed. Then Hunter got mad at him and they started fighting. It's all my fault."

Echo's eyebrows furrowed together. "Tech, none this was your fault, alright? Your brothers are just a couple of hotheads. They need time to cool down." He glanced at Tech's tablet. "Why don't you tell me about what you were looking at on there? We can go in the cockpit and I'll let you sit in the co-pilot seat. How 'bout that?"

Tech wiped his eyes again, then pulled his glasses down and smiled a little. "I would like that."

Echo smiled and rose to his feet, waiting for Tech to do the same before beckoning him to follow.

Meanwhile, Omega finally managed to separate Hunter and Crosshair. She held them as far away from each other as possible, yet they were still trying to fight.

Time to bring out the mom voice (that Echo taught her).

"Stop it, both of you!" She snapped.

Much to her surprise, they stopped fighting and pouted instead.

Huh, I guess it is super effective!

She glared at both of them, then let them go. "Would either of you care to tell me why your brother was crying?"

"He started it!" Crosshair growled, pointing at Hunter.

"You told him to shut up!" Hunter retorted.

"Alright, alright!" Omega stepped in before they started fighting again. She decided to deal with Crosshair first since he seemed to be the instigator (as usual). "Crosshair, you know that's not a nice thing to say."

Crosshair looked away with a huff and continued sulking. "But he was being annoying! He kept talking for like a million hours!"

"He was just excited to share some interesting things with you." Omega said. "All he wants is to spend time with you, Crosshair. The least you can do is sit and listen to him. You don't have to watch his every move. You could work on those targets of yours to keep yourself busy! Now, go apologize to your brother, please."

Huh. Crosshair hadn't thought of that. It made sense, he guessed, since he didn't like to talk much and Tech loved to talk.

Eventually, he relented. "Okay..."

Omega ruffled his hair and smiled. "Thank you." Once Crosshair had wandered off towards the cockpit, she turned her attention to Hunter, who already seemed to know what she was going to say.

"I know, I know. I'm not supposed to be fighting." He huffed, adjusting his bandanna so his hair didn't fall in his face. "Someone had to teach him a lesson though."

"That's why you're supposed to come to either me or Echo. Remember what I said?"

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Not every problem has to be solved with a fight."

"Right." Omega smiled. "While I enjoy seeing you show off your skills, the two of you need to get better at talking things out first. It'll save a whole lot of energy and you won't have to hate each other for the rest of the day. Good sergeants don't beat up their men, do they?"

Hunter shifted his weight. "...No."

"Exactly. That's why I'd like you to try and get better at talking to Crosshair, alright? Tech doesn't like to see you guys fight all the time."

Hearing that made Hunter feel guilty. He hadn't thought about how the fights had affected Tech. He thought he was doing a good thing by protecting him from Crosshair, but all he was doing was upsetting him! He hung his head forward and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Omega..." He murmured.

Omega knelt down and put her hands on his shoulders. "It's okay. This is how we learn. Next time, you'll know what to do to make things better."

Hunter looked at her for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. C'mon Wrecker, let's go to the cockpit with the others."

Omega stood and watched the two leave with a growing smile. She hoped they would turn out alright. Both her and Echo were trying their best to teach them everything they could while they had the chance. It wouldn't be long before the batch got older and more complicated to handle.

For now, she'd enjoy these moments.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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