Arc [1.3]

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After a week has passed, Cain is on the verge of falling behind in his lesson planning for Elo. Cain only has to sigh in annoyance, "Mr. Heirloom, aren't you giving me a hard time?" Elo replied as he sipped his milk, "Shouldn't I be saying that Mr. Cain?"

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Heirloom, do you have any time?"

"And why is that so?" Elo asks.

"I just want to discuss something about your academic performance and school." Elo notices Cain's serious expression and nods while munching the bunny cookies.

"Mr. Heirloom, to be honest, in my time of teaching, I encounter many geniuses and can't deny that you belong in that category." Cain looks at Elo to gauge his reaction; Elo is just as calm as Lake, neither surprised nor arrogant, but rather like the words he uses to these praises.

Hearing Cain's compliment, Hance can't help but raise his lips to make it seem as though he is the one being praised. He can't contain the joy he is feeling right now, hearing about accomplishment of the person he loves the most, like a mother who is pleased with her son.

Elo ignored Hance and instead asked, "Mr. Cain, I'm not sure if I'm worthy of your praise, but may I know where this conversation is headed?" Cain expected this question and simply grinned while continuing the conversation.

"Mr. Heirloom before I answer that, what is your opinion about the concept of learning?" the question caught Elo off guard. He just sat there staring at Cain with a puzzled expression on his face before responding," I think learning is all about 'trial and error' as well as 'experience'. However, I must admit that I haven't thought about it much before now." after pondering for a few moments, Elo added, "although my theory may not be widely accepted by others, it is something that I believe to be true."

"Well, that's an interesting perspective you have there," said Cain, nodding his head in agreement.

"By the way, the exam is quickly approaching, and after you take it, you must return to school; the Age Stone Measurement will be handled by  Hermspard Academy, and you must also attend." During Cain's explanation of the schedule, Elo had only one thought: "Exhausted."

Cain notices Elo's lack of focus and inquires if he has any questions. "Nothing in particular, but is it really necessary to be that early?" Elo grumbles.

"Well, yes, basically it's not even that early. And here's your ID and the application form for age-stone measurement," Cain said, handing Elo the form and I.D.

"For the major subject. The Exams: 1000 Questions Exam: Subject includes History, Mathematics, Language Art, Science, Humanities, Logic, and General Knowledge each question is worth 2 point no deductions for wrong answer, bonus question worth 5 points no penalty for late submission.

- History will cover World History, Ancient Civilization, Modern Civilizations, Geography & Economics.

- Mathematics covers Algebra I, Geometry, Trigonometry, Differential equations, Statistics & Probability.

- Language Art will cover Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary & Writing Mechanics.

- Science will cover Biology, Chemistry & Physics

- Humanities will cover Philosophy, Psychology & Ethics

-Logic will include Inductive Logic, Logical Deduction & Informal Logic

- General Knowledge will cover anything else!!

At the end of each session, the facilitators will distribute graded exam to each participant and provide detailed feedback on each question. Each student will also receive a letter grade for the complete exam. Any incorrect answer from the bonus questions will be subtracted from the final score. If the student is unable to complete the exam within the designated time, he/she should request an extension from the facilitator. The student is expected to proofread his/her work and answer questions based on the marked-up paper during the extension period." Cain explained to Elo.

Elo just had one thought right now 'how bothersome.'

Cain continues to explain the mechanic of the upcoming General Test that being held together by the Age Stone Measurement.

Elo seemed didn't want to hear it at all, while Cain continue to explain Elo reach the lessons that supposed to be his task next week. While Elo flipping the pages, he noticed something was odd. " Excuse me but, is it supposed to be proven by the second theory of Herrald instead of the fourth theory that demonstrate the best power result in strategies to get the proper formula in this one?" Cain stop in his explanations and see what Elo's asking about.

"Is it mistype? or it just a miscalculation?" Elo continue to ask a question.

"W-well, I must mention this in development team and other professors to recheck it, it's a big mistake if it the typing but just like you said the fourth theory is the nearest answer to prove the claim in this one, but I can't guarantee it for now since the second theory is a branch of many elements." Cain really focus on the theories lesson and forgot the continue his explanation in the coverage of exam.


After the lessons, Cain left, and Elo, as usual, got into bed and started to nod off. Hance brought a snack for his young master but found him dozing off while cuddling a big pillow; he didn't want to wake him, so he quietly left. After eight o'clock had passed, Elo began to get hungry. He opened his eyes and made his way to the living room while still partially asleep.

Hance notices the lazy posture his young master making his way in the kitchen. " Young master, I planned to wake you up after a few more minutes but it can't be help so please enjoy your meal." he bow and pull the chaired for Elo.

After saying thank you to Hance, Elo began to eat, but he wasn't sure how to act because he was still half asleep. Hance can only think, 'How adorable', at the moment.

After the meal Elo wash himself and get back to sleep again, Hance gets used to this routine of his sluggish young master. After checking that his young master fall asleep as a baby, he put the light in nighttime and close the door after saying 'Have a good dream young Master'.

A/N: Homies, sorry for the late update but my desk was still full of mess right now but, I will try to upload more often. (I will try)

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