The guide to giving up

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Azalea Pov

i jolt awake from a nightmare and brush my sweaty hair out of my face, panting loudly.

i try to control my breathing but all i succeed in doing is causing myself to start coughing.

i turn towards my bedside table and grab my phone, 4:29.

better than usual i must admit, i stand up and walk to the bathroom and pull on a waterproof cast cover before stripping out of my sweaty pajamas.

i turn the water on, as hot as it goes, and step under the scalding spray. one thing about not being allowed hot showers is that now, i turn the water on as hot as it goes just to prove to myself that i can. i can do whatever i want now.

i press my back to the cool tile wall and slowly slide down until i'm sitting on the floor. i take deep breaths and keep promising my self that i got out, this is real.

i sit in the shower for around 20 minutes before i start washing my hair, its very difficult with the cast on.

i turn the shower off and wrap myself in a fluffy white towel, looking at my face in the mirror. the bruises are gone and everything looks normal again. i put my contacts in and walk into my closet, grabbing my only set of activewear, an old sports bra and shorts with a couple loose threads.

i take off the water protective sleeve and putting on my sling before i leave my room, walking down the hallway. i get to the bottom floor and find the gym, many of my usual workouts unavailable due to my arm.

i walk over to the punching bag in the back corner and practice some kicks, moving my body's weight around for the most forceful kick. i hear someone clear their throat from behind me, making me turn around. Rhys.

i smile and wave at him slightly before walking over to where he is. i open my mouth to start talking but close it, right.

he chuckles slightly and hands me his phone, i start typing my pathetic apology. "sorry, i didn't realize anyone would come in here this early, i can leave if you want" i hand the phone back to him.

"no, don't worry about it. the others don't normally come in here for another few hours so it would be nice to have some company. i saw you kicking the bag over there, if you want i can help you." he says pointing to the boxing ring in the center of the room.

i smile and nod at him, following him. he grabs a kick pad and holds it Infront of him, i balance my weight and see him nod, i swing my leg into the pad before resetting. i do a few more of those before he stands up straight again "i saw you kicking the bag, you used a lot more force. don't worry about me, kick as hard as you want" he says and squares up again.

i step back and crack my neck, ok i wont hold back.

i kick him front on and see him stumble back slightly, but he wanted full force so here it is. i don't give him time to recover, throwing kick after kick before i knock him over.

i take a breath and walk over to him, offering my hand to help him up. he takes my hand and i haul him to his feet. "wow little sis, didn't realize you could kick that hard" he says letting out a small laugh.

i smile and turn towards the treadmill, may as well. i start slowly and increase the speed as i go, running as fast as i can.

after about 15 minutes on the treadmill i turn it off and step onto the floor, laying down to stop the world from spinning.

i open my eyes to see Rhys standing over me, smirk on his face. "i'd say you need to work on your cardio if i wasn't impressed you could run so fast, for like 10 minutes"

10, really no i ran for 15.

i hold up 10 fingers and then another five, "fifteen? damn really?" he says looking at his watch. i climb to my feet, the best i can with my arm in a sling, and sign goodbye as i walk out the door.

i get to my room and check my phone, 8:30, not bad.

the others should be awake by now, i grab my monitor from my bag and walk down the hallway of rooms before stopping at the door with Chase's name. i knock quietly and hear a deep voice grumble from the other side. i open the door and walk inside, looking around his room, he has a fair few posters on his walls, all of famous fighters.

i go sit next to him on his bed and hand him the monitor, "thanks little leah, you like my room?" he says holding my finger to the monitor. little leah? is that like, a nickname?

i nod and feel the prick in my finger and wince slightly, "sorry" he mumbles, wiping the blood on the monitor.

my level is at 4.2 so i don't need to do anything. he lays back down and holds out his arms for me. i lay down and feel his arms warp around me, pulling the blanket up to my shoulders.

"no one should be awake this early, it should be illegal" he murmurs. i raise my eyebrows and look up at him, him already staring at me.

"i really missed you leah, i really really did" he says holding me tighter. i take his hand and write, "me to".

i close my eyes and relax, i could get used to this.

no, no i can't. i have a family, Neiha and Jeremy. they were there for me when my 'real' family wasn't. i am here for 1 reason, i will destroy this family.

although i really don't want to hurt Chase or Devan, hell even Rhys. i don't want to hurt any of them. but, i'm already lying to them. there is no redemption for me when that secret comes out.

i sit up and look at the clock on Chase's bedside table. it's after 9 now, so i slide out of his arms and leave his room, walking down the hallway towards the kitchen. I'm almost at the stairs when i feel a hand close around my wrist and pull me into a corner.

i start to thrash against the hold, kicking my legs. i hear a deep chuckle in my ear, "well, looks like my darling sister puts up quite a fight"


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