The blood isn't mine.... i think

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i'm trapped in a dark room. my bedroom.

Michael locked me in here hours ago when the neighbors came over to investigate the screams. i banged my fists against the door and screamed, pleading for them to help me.

they couldn't hear me, nobody could hear me. nobody cared enough to listen.

it was this day i vowed that if nobody cared enough to listen, i would give them nothing to listen to. 

the door slams open and the light filtering from the hallway shows the silhouettes of Michael and Angela. no. no...

i can feel the knife digging into my thighs, the warmth the blood pooling beneath me provides. i can hear the devils i'm trapped with laughing, proud of their masterpiece.

i can feel my consciousness  slipping away, everything starting to go black, everything starting to feel like nothing.

i close my eyes and i can feel the force that no child should ever feel. what should be pleasure for both parties. consensual. oh god no please. make it stop.

~Nightmare over~ 

i wake up with a scream lodged in my throat, sweat dripping down my face and back. i look around and see the stars littering the sky through my thin curtains.

i glance at the clock and it reads 2:48. too early to start the day but i'm not going to be able to fall back asleep now.

i climb out of bed and open my door, the hallway is dark.

i walk through the hallway quietly, careful not to wake anyone, and walk down to the kitchen. it's empty of course so i sit down on the stool and think.

in four hours i'm starting a new high school. which would be fine, if it wasn't with my brothers.

normally i would walk in, cause a scene and everyone would be too scared to talk to me. how i want it to be.

with my brothers. i can't exactly do that.

and of course, i'm in most of their classes, because i was pushed forwards a grade or two.

it reality i graduated when i was what, 12? i was with jeremy and i was bored over the weekend. i'm also taking some college level classes so i really hope i can keep taking those. sike, who actually cares.

"what are you doing down here? we have school in the morning why aren't you sleeping?" someone says from behind me. hello Rhys.

i could ask you the same thing" i write, making him laugh.

"here, give me your number. so you don't have to write on paper."

"i don't have a phone"i lie, i do. but he doesn't need to know that.

"oh, right. i'll buy you one. you can use my old one in the meantime. you have a laptop though right?" he asks.

i nod my head and point towards the seat next to me. he sits down and we both just sit there silently. i don't want to tell him, or anyone for that matter, about the nightmares.

it would be pointless, i'm leaving as soon as i can anyways.

time skip~

the drive to school is nerve wracking. normally the boys all take seperate cars, however none of them wanted to leave my side. so here i am, crammed between Leon and Rhys, Chase driving and Vince in the passenger seat, who of course was not happy about being moved from beside me.

as we reach the school gates, i notice people staring and moving out of the way for the car. some looking behind, presumably for the other cars. Chase pulls into a parking space and everyone gets out, Leon taking my hand and helping me out, i put a hoodie over my sling and tucked the sleeve into the pocket.

i put my bag over my shoulder and start walking towards the main building, ignoring the stares coming from everyone around when my brothers fall into step beside me. 

once inside we walk into the office and wait for the secretary to look up from her computer.

"what can i help you with dear?" she asks, looking at me. i look at Leon who is standing next to me. "we are here for the schedule of Azalea Costa" Costa? these motherfuckers changed my name.

"oh right, here you go. i'm sure one of your brothers can show you around." she says, handing me a small stack of papers. with my schedule, locker allocation, teachers and dress code.


Chase and i walk out into the hall and i see the rest of my brothers. i hand them my schedule and they all start talking about what classes we have together. fortunately my classes before lunch and break i have alone.

the bell rings and i notice that we are now the only ones in the hallway, everyone else in class. 

"come on little leah. we have first period together" chase says, dragging me towards the door at the end of the corridor.

Chase opens the door and walks in, still dragging me behind him. "ahh, Chase, what did i expect. go sit down." she says before turning to me "you... are late. detention. what is your name?" she scowls at me. "her name is Azalea, and she's with me" Chase says from behind me, glaring at the teacher. "my mistake, introduce yourself to the class Azalea" she says, looking at me expectantly, and honestly she looks like she's about to shit herself. 

i ignore her and the glares and curious stares and walk towards the back, sitting in one of the two chairs available. Chase sits next to me and says, "Leah, it's hot as balls outside, take your hoodie off." 

i pull one side of my hoodie down so he can see the sling strap while i shake my head. "come on, nobody cares." i use my notebook to write "you guys are literally the most popular kids at this school. i've had enough glares this morning alone, i don't need people trying to talk to me" 

this makes him laugh, gaining the attention of everyone in the class.

"something more interesting than my class, Mr Costa?" the teacher says from the front of the class.

"yeah actually. me and Leah are gonna leave" he says, grabbing my bag and notebook. he didn't even bring his to class.

he take my arm and drags me out of the class room. we end up alone in some weird room overlooking the gym.

i grab my notebook and pen back from him. "so much for trying to blend in"i write.

"Your a costa, you aren't going to fit in. the hoodie isn't going to change that. at some point during the day, i am going to take that hoodie off, and i'm gonna make it dramatic." he says pulling his phone from his pocket and messaging someone.


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