You don't die until i say so

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Ares POV-

i hear the gunshot ring through the air and turn to face Azalea, who'd she shoot?

i see her look down at her stomach and see the blood starting to cover her shirt. everything moves in slow motion as she moves her hands, fingers covered in blood and grabs the gun from the back of her pants.

she raises the gun, arm steady as she shoots the guy, hidden around the corner.

she drops the gun and looks back at her stomach. i finally reach her, Devan beside me, and try to keep pressure on her stomach. i can hear Devan screaming her name, trying to get her attention while he shakes her shoulders slightly.

her eyes move to mine and she smiles slightly, she huffs out a laugh before "i missed one" she says breathlessly, her eyes closing before her body goes limp in our hold.

"oh, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" Devan panics as i pick her up, keeping my hand pressed firmly against her stomach.

"come on, grab him. we gotta go" i shout at my brother, looking at the guy he had been dragging.

we run through the building, meeting our father at the front entrance. "we heard a gunshot, what happened" my dad says, before his eyes lock on Azalea and fill with tears.

"no one saw him, she shot him before she collapsed though" i say shoving her into the car, liam already in the drivers seat ready to go.

Time skip to hospital bcz i'm lazy, but just imagine him being all broody about loosing his sister

Azalea went into surgery 2 hours ago, and these motherfuckers won't tell us anything

"I don't care! i want an update on my daughter!" my dad screams at the nurse.

i hang my head between my shoulders, slumping in my seat. how could i let this happen.

i should have been more careful when i scoped out the hallways. god this is all my fault.

"are you Mrs Costa's Family?" i hear a voice ask. my head snaps up so quickly i'm lucky i didn't break it.

i shoot out of my seat and join the rest of my family, crowding around this now terrified nurse.

"yes, thats us" my dad says, pushing passed my brothers to get to the front.

"perfect, she got out of surgery and is going to wake up soon. the surgery went very well. room 214" she says before walking away.

we all scurry our asses down the hallway, skidding to a stop Infront of 214.

my dad opens the door and we all file into the room, stopping to see Azalea laying on the bed. sleeping, somewhat, peacefully.

Azalea Pov- 

i'm awoken from a painfully average sleep by a constant beeping beside me.

"turn off the fucking alarm." i grumble, rolling onto my side and hugging my pillow.

the room fills with low chuckles and i open one of my eyes. squinting against the light.

"ah, your all here" i say, closing my eyes again

"yes, we are all here, except chase. he took Neiha home" my dad says 

"right, that's good" i mumble sleepily.

"wait!"i shout sitting up "what the fuck happened" i growl looking around. a hospital room, great.

at least i got a cast that isn't covered in blood.

"you got shot" my dad says, rubbing my shoulder, trying to... comfort me?

"if your trying to comfort me.... it isn't working." i say, getting out of the bed "so, how is Neiha, that's all i care about" it seems they think i was joking based on the laughs that circulated the room.

"i'm not fucking kidding" i growl.

"oh, we know" Liam says in between laughs, holding Rhys's shoulder for support.

"it's your lack of filter. and sit your ass down you got shot" he says, still holding onto Rhys

"oh fuck off, it ain't the first time. although i gotta admit" i say, looking around the room "first time i've been to the hospital for a gunshot wound. y'all couldn't just pull it out at home?" i say. silencing their laughs.

"you've been shot before!!" my brothers yell simultaneously.

"well yeah," i say, pulling the sleeve of the hospital gown down. "straight through the shoulder. hurt like a bitch but killed the guy who decided to try and shoot me and i went home with a pair of tweezers to pull it out." i say, showing them the scar on my right shoulder.

then the one on my leg, thigh and shin. each one coming with a story.

"and why didn't you tell us any of this?" my dad says, somewhat angrily.

"cos it didn't matter. and besides what did you expect me to do. hey dad, so i lied about not being able to talk, i'm an assassin and the right hand lady of the Spanish Mafia, but thats ok because now we can have an alliance between spain and italy. also i was shot" i say sarcastically 

"well yeah kinda" dad yells exasperatedly 

"oh right, well there." i pat his shoulder as i walk past "i just did." 

"who has my clothes?" i ask, looking at my brothers. 

they all just look at Rhys. bingo.

after a little negotiation. and a little violence. i get my clothes back, and Liam's jumper because i was cold.

anyways i'm tired as fuck so see ya bitches.

short chapter but i'm tired as is Azalea so cya next episode. and Guppy, is this ok? she's alive and sarcastic.

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