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"So, Draco, who exactly is the wrong sort to hang out with?" I ask, us walking to class, potions.

"Mudbloods, half bloods, Weasleys and anyone else who's a blood traitor" Draco explains, while I nod along.

"Mkay, thanks" I say.

Draco stops walking, as we're at our destination, "no problem" he says, smirking, before walking into class with me.

We sit down next to each other at a table at the front.

"I can teach you how to bewitch the mind..." Snape drones on, you zone out, while still looking like you're paying attention.

Harry gets in trouble for not paying attention, and I snap back to reality. Good thing I'm well reversed in the art of potions.

"Miss Potter! Would you care to answer the question instead?" Snape says, turning to me.

I answer the question effortlessly, impressing Draco.

At the end of classes for the morning, we go to lunch but Harry grabs my arm and holds me back, making Draco hesitate, before I gesture for him to go.

"What do you want?" I say, harsher than I ment to, making Harry flinch.

"I wanted to tell you that you're making a mistake, but clearly I am for trying to help you" he mumbles.

"I don't need your help! I am perfectly fine without you and I always have been!" I yell.

"Well-" Harry tries to say, being interrupted.

"And besides, I am doing great, I don't need you butting in and telling me I'm making a mistake" I say, almost sounding evil, but I don't notice.

"You are the one making my life harder, you are the one trying to make me do your shit!" I yell, "well guess what, your on your own now, because I'm done with your 'but I'm older' because you are fucking 2 minutes older, 2 minutes!" I hold up 2 fingers.

Harry runs off crying and I walk into the Hall.

Everyone's eyes are directly on me.

I gulp and make my way to the Slytherin table.

Eventually, everyone goes back to eating and talking loudly, probably about what just happened.

"What was that about?" Draco asks me

"Um, I pretty much told him to fuck off" I reply, shrugging my shoulders. Right now, I was so angry, I didn't want to deal with anything.

After lunch, I go to transfiguration and Snape pulls me aside in the middle of class.

"So, whatever happened at lunch, I don't want it effecting your learning, got it?" Snape says.

I nod my head, "anything outside of class doesn't apply to my learning" I explain.

Snape nods before sending me back into class and everything is normal for the day.

At the end of the day, I'm walking to house on my own, when two people pull me aside and into an empty classroom, locking the door with a spell.

I try to open the door but can't, so I turn around to see two identical redheads.

I sigh and lean against a desk.

"I assuming you're two of the Weasleys" I say.

"You'd be right" one says.

"I'm George" the other says.

"And I'm Fred" the first one says. They both hold out they're hands and I refuse in disgust.

"Why the fuck did you pull me aside" I say, still angry from before, and this wasn't helping.

"Whoa, calm down" they both say, holding their hands up, "we just wanted to know why you were yelling at our brother's friend"

"You mean that disgrace of a wizard Harry?" I scoff, "he's being so controlling of me just because he's 2 minutes older than me and he thinks I'm making a mistake being friends with Draco"

I throw my hand to my mouth, why did I say that? I didn't want to say that.

They chuckle.

I bring out my wand and hold it to one of their throats.

"What. Did. You. Do." I say, sternly.

"We put a truth potion in your drink" the one with my wand at his throat says.

"Why are you friends with Draco?" The other says, leaning against the wall in amusement.

"Because he told me he'd help me be friends with the right people" I say proudly, "and because I wanted to be friends with someone that Harry clearly didn't want me to so I could finally have something my way"

Again, I cover my mouth, I didn't mean to say that either.

"It's alright, Slytherin, we won't tell anyone" one says.

I smile a little at the nickname, 'Slytherin'.

One of them chuckles. "Go along now, see you later Slytherin"

"Wait, I actually like talking to you, can we just chat for a while?" I admit.

We sit on the desks and laugh about lots of different things.

"I really need to go now, I can't wait to talk to you again!" I say.

"Goodnight, Slytherin" George says.

I wave as I leave, and run to house, so it doesn't seem like I was gone. I hope no one asks me because I have to answer truthfully, as the truth potion seemed quite strong.

I walk in and sit on the couch with my book and continue where I left off.

"Where have you been?" Draco says from behind me.

"Hanging out with Fred and George" I say, before I can stop myself.

"Would this be Fred and George Weasley?" He asks, and I see him scowling when he comes around the couch to face me.

"Yes" I say.

"Why were you with the Weasleys when I told you not to?" Draco pushes on.

"Well, at first, they actually pulled me aside, but then I kinda liked hanging out with them, so we just chatted in an empty classroom for a bit" I blurt out.

I cover my mouth once I said that.

"What is wrong with you?" Draco asks, so confused.

"Fred and George put a truth potion in my drink at dinner" I say.

Draco nods, understanding.

"Do you like hanging out with the Weasleys?" He asks me.

"Yes" I say.


"Because they are so funny! And they are nice to me and explained why Harry was being so controlling, and they also-" I start, managing to stop myself by covering my mouth.

"You're a disgrace to Slytherin" Draco says, walking off.

Once he's gone I sit and stare at the fire and realise I didn't need to be the mean sibling. I made a mistake asking the hat to put me in Slytherin.

I wish I was put in Griffindor. Or Hufflepuff. Or anything but Slytherin.

I'm not a Slytherin.

"Is it true?" Wren, my roommate asks, from the top of the stairs.

"I think so" I say.

I walk up to my dorm and go to bed.

My Love (George X Reader X Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now