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"Hey, Y/n, I just realized, nobody knows when your birthday is" Ginny says, one day, when we are all chilling in the living room.

"I am so sorry, my dear, please don't hate me" George says, getting on his knees in front of me, begging.

"I am so offended!" I say dramatically, putting the back of my hand to my forehead.

George holds his hands up, pleading for forgiveness. I lean forward and hold his chin with one hand.

"You're really hot when you beg" I whisper, smirking, making George flustered.

I stand straight up, "get up" I say to George, and he obeys me, "I'm not mad"

George immediately relaxes.

"My birthday is 12th of June" I announce to everyone.

"But that's in 2 weeks!" Ginny exclaims.

"I know" I shrug, sitting on the couch next to Fred. George sits next to me and puts his arm over my shoulder.

I put my legs over George's lap and I lean into Fred. Some people roll their eyes, while others say 'aww'.

"Can you three get a room?" Harry says.

I glance up at Fred.

"Nope! I will not allow that in this house" Molly says, glaring at the three of us.

"Well then, I have the money to rent an apartment" I joke, making Fred and George chuckle.

"Fine! Whatever happens out of this house is out of my hands" Molly says, furious.

"I might save my skills for your birthday" Fred whispers in my ear, but not very quietly, so some people gag.

"Great idea" I reply, turning towards Fred, and kissing him.

It's my birthday morning, and Ginny wakes me up early.

"Wake up y/n! It's your birthday!" Ginny says, bouncing on my bed.

"What time is it?" I groan, rubbing my eyes.

"About 6 o'clock" Ginny answers.

"6 o'clock?" I exclaim, my eyes wide, "you do realise that is really early?"

"Yeah, but I was sick of Fred and George going on and on about how their present is probably the best" Ginny explains.

"I bet it will be" I say, wiggling my eyebrows, making Ginny gag.

"Just get up" Ginny demands.

I get up and put my favourite dress on.

I walk out of the cupboard and Ginny gasps

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I walk out of the cupboard and Ginny gasps.

"I like that dress" she exclaims.

"It's my favourite dress" I say.

I walk down the stairs and I see everyone waiting for me.

"I swear, it is far too early for you all to be waiting for me" I say, before I reach the bottom of the stairs.

Fred holds his hand out for me, and I take it, walking down the last few stairs.

George comes up on my other side.

"Happy birthday, baby" Fred and George say at the same time.

"Breakfast is ready!" Molly announces from the kitchen.

We all go to the kitchen to find that Molly made apple pancakes.

"I remember you telling me these were your favorite" Molly says, smiling at me as she gives me a plate with some pancakes on it.

"It is! Thank you" I exclaim.

After we've eaten breakfast, Fred and George cover my eyes while Molly prepares something.

They take their hands away from my eyes to reveal a cake in front of me.

Everyone starts singing Happy Birthday and I blow out my candles.

I wish to live with Fred and George for the rest of my life. I think, as my wish.

We eat the cake and then we go to the living room to give out presents.

Ginny gives me a necklace.

"It's enchanted to gain a heart for each important person in your life" Ginny explains, and then puts it on for me

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"It's enchanted to gain a heart for each important person in your life" Ginny explains, and then puts it on for me.

The necklace has 2 hearts, one says Fred, and the other says George.

I smile to myself.

Molly gives me a cookbook, because I told her I wanted to try and cook more.

Ron gives me some of my favorite sweets and Harry gives me the next book in a series I'm reading.

Fred and George give me a microphone because I love singing, and they tell me my other present comes later.

After gift giving, Fred and George take me out of the house.

Fred covers my eyes while we walk.

"Fred, Fred!" I yell stumbling about.

Fred pulls me closer to him, so I'm against his body.

"I-uh - I - thanks" I say, flustered.

Once we get to our destination, Fred uncovers my eyes, and we're standing in front of an empty shop.

"Is this where the shop you're been talking about is gonna go?" I jump forward.

The twins nod and I run inside.

The shop looks spacey, but not too spacey.

"There's something upstairs" George says.

I walk upstairs to find living space.

"Are you gonna leave me with your mother and live here?" I ask.

"Actually" Fred says, coming up behind me, "we want you to live here with us"

I turn around quickly, "really!?" I ask, excited.

Fred nods, and I smash my lips into his.

"I would love to live with you!" I say, smiling.

"Only problem is, we will need help setting up the shop and our home" George explains.

"That's not a problem! I'd love to help" I say, turning towards George.

That night, we sleep in the shop, and I can help but realise that my wish has already come true.

My Love (George X Reader X Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now