The Chamber of Secrets

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After a few weeks, there's already trouble.

A cat is petrified and in blood, there's something written on the wall.

Fred, George and I arrive to the scene at the same time as everyone else.

"Enemies of the heir, beware" Fred reads aloud.

"Well shit" I say.

"What?" George asks me.

"The heir, Mr Slytherin dude's grandchildren, hates Mudbloods, so they'd be enemies of the heir" I explain.

"Hermione" they both say at the same time.


After a few weeks, there had been more people petrified, so we had to take dueling class to protect ourselves.

Professor Snape and Lockhart do a duel to show us what to do, and then get Harry and Malfoy to do an example.

Some definitely-not-dissasarming spells were thrown about when Malfoy throws out a snake and Harry speaks "ssss" language.

Everyone freaks out and the snake goes after some kid, but then Snape kills the snake and dueling class is over.

I follow Harry to the Griffindor common room.

"What the fuck was that!" I yell at Harry.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks, confused.

"Don't you dare say 'what does that mean'" I mimick him, "you can't just speak snake without telling me!"

"Speak what?" Harry asks.

Hermione comes up.

"Pastletongue. It's where you can talk to snakes" Hermione explains.

"I wasn't speaking a different language" Harry says, even more confused.

I roll my eyes and walk away, I can't deal with this right now.

That night I lay in my own bed worrying if this is why Dobby didn't want us going back.

Is it because I heard someone say something about the 'Chamber of Secrets'?

My Love (George X Reader X Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now